by Darlene L. Turner
Is it your dream to become a published author? God has called you to write, but you don’t know where to start? Well, I did some research, and came up with ten reasons on why it’s important to attend. Let’s take a look!
- Investing in your Writing – Have you heard that most people say they would love to write a book? However, they don’t want to invest in themselves as writers. By attending conferences, you not only give yourself permission to embrace yourself as a writer, but you share it with the world. And yes, this means investing both your money and time. Trust me, this will open up a world of opportunities.
- Writer Community – Most writers are introverts, but we still need connections with other writers. We can’t stay holed up in our offices writing 24-7. We need a network to do the following: share our victories, rejections, brainstorm ideas with, critique each other’s work, writing sprints, or to talk us off that proverbial ledge when we’re feeling overwhelmed. Yes, writers are the best of friends and what better place to find them than at conferences.
- 15-Minute Appointments – Conferences allow you to sign up to talk one-on-one with agents and editors. Please do this. It’s so important. Simply pitching cold-calling to an agent/publisher via email can work, but meeting someone in person puts a name to a face. Specifically, YOUR name. YOUR face. When you can meet with an agent face-to-face it makes a lasting impression. In my opinion, this is one of the biggest reasons for going to a conference (well, that and all the amazing writer friends you meet!).
- Developing the Writing Craft – Attending workshops taught by the best-of-the-best is invaluable! Who better to learn the craft from than published authors, agents, and editors? Most conferences offer different aspects of writing, marketing, building your social media platform, branding, etc. This will grow a writer. Tenfold.
- Networking – A variety of individuals attend writers conferences. Writers, agents, editors, publishers, social media gurus, website designers, etc. Collect business cards! Hand yours out. Building a network will go a long way in your writing journey.
- Manuscript Critiques – Some conferences offer writers to send in the first few chapters of their manuscript to be critiqued by a professional writer or editor. There’s normally an extra fee for this, but it’s worth it. If you have the chance, submit your work to be critiqued. It will only benefit you.
- Inspiration/Motivation – This was a big one for me. To be among the best writers totally inspired me to do better. To learn more. To grow. There’s nothing more invigorating than being around other authors. All that energy, excitement, buzzing in the air? Trust me, you will go home feeling PUMPED – inspired and motivated to write better, applying everything you’ve learned. Conferences can also inspire you with other writing ideas. It was through one conference, I felt prompted to start blogging. That can definitely make you grow as a writer. Putting words on a website can be scary, but it will keep you focused. Perhaps you’re stuck in your story or book idea. Brainstorming with other writers at a conference can help!
- Contests – Most conferences have contests associated with them. Enter one or two. Yes, it can be scary and sometimes you get conflicting feedback (remember, they’re subjective), but it’s worth it to get your work out there. It can only help you. And…you might just win!
- Scenery/Break – I’ve been to different cities in the States and seen some beautiful country! Blue Ridge Mountains, Colorado Springs, Denver, Dallas, Nashville, St. Louis. So much fun to explore and this in itself can give you inspiration for your books. Also, taking a break from your regular routine can do wonders not only for your writing but your life! It can recharge us.
- Simply Write – Many authors take the time to work on their next book, article, poem, etc while they’re at a conference. This can be difficult as conferences are so jam-packed with great workshops, seminars, etc, but squeezing in time to write is what it’s all about!
There you have it. Ten amazing reasons to attend a writers conference. Can’t wait to see you at the next one.
There is still time to sign up for the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. To register, you can call the conference center directly: 800-588-7222. For more information see the website.
Darlene L. Turner is a Publishers Weekly bestselling author known for her high-octane stories and riveting twists. Sparked by Nancy Drew, she’s turned her love of solving mysteries into her writing, believing readers will be captured by her plots, inspired by her strong characters, and moved by her inspirational message. Dubbed “the plaid queen” for her love of everything plaid, Darlene resides with her husband Jeff in Ontario, Canada. You can connect with Darlene at www.darlenelturner.com where there’s suspense beyond borders.
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