Dedicate Your Life to Prayer
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Welcome to Faith Friday, week two of our Adventure with God for writers. We will continue with the letter D of the acrostic for A D V E N T U R E. The letter D of adventu
Mastering Plot: Part 1
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Plot is defined as the series of events in your story. It’s also called the storyline. While that may sound simple, mastering plot takes time, imagination, and knowing
What Do You Say to the Voices in Your Head?
By Deborah Clack @deborah_clack The black dress. The uncomfortable heels. The freshened make-up. And the hope that this was the night Lance Vernon Clack would propose to me. Twelve years ago, almos
One Writer’s Annual Reading Plan
by Bob Hostetler @BobHoss At the recent (and wonderful!) Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference, I had occasion several times to mention the fact that I compile and generally follow an a
Accept The Call
By DiAnn Mills @diannmills Today begins our first Faith Friday post. For the next nine weeks, we’ll be exploring our relationship with God as writers for Him by using the acronym A-D-V-E-N-T-
4 Ways To Keep Your Writing Inspiration
By Vincent B. Davis II @vbdavisii Writers, by nature, are adrenaline junkies. Artistic rush seekers. We might claim that it’s the coffee that keeps us coming back to the computer screen, but in r