2025 Classes 3.22.25
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- Michelle Medlock Adams
- Deb Alsdorf
- Dan Balow
- Twila Belk
- David Bennet
- Cherrilynn Bisbano
- Amy Bright
- E. Stephen Burnett
- Michelle Cox
- Dawn Scott Damon
- Blythe Daniel
- Vincent Davis II
- Lynette Eason
- Sharon Elliott
- Raewyn Elsegood
- Eva Marie Everson
- Linda Gilden
- Karynthia Glasper-Phillips
- Katrina Glover
- Linda Goldfarb
- Heather Greer
- Lori Hatcher
- Matthew Hawk Eldridge
- Bob Hostetler
- Katherine Hutchinson-Hayes
- Andrew Jackson
- Tammy Karasek
- Grace Kelley
- Carol Kent
- Jan Kneedland
- Heather Kreke
- Rowena Kuo
- Steve Laube
- Julie Lavender
- Larry Leech II
- Joy Massenburge
- Edie Melson
- Karisa Moore
- David Nabors
- Susan Neal
- Edwina Perkins
- Katie Phillips
- Karen Porter
- Penny Reeve
- Na’Kedra Rodgers
- Cynthia Ruchti
- Taryn Souders
- Cindy Sproles
- Kara Swanson
- Rob Tiegen
- Darlene Turner
- Terry Whalin
- Amy Williams
- Kennita Williams
- Jean Wilund
- Tina Yeager
Michelle Medlock Adams
Class Title: Earn While You Learn: Gain Publishing Credits while Building that All-Important Platform!
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Of course, you're not in this for the money. But, hey, why not make some money and minister through your writing? In this comprehensive class, you'll discover various places to sell your writing (newspapers, magazines, trade journals, the Internet, greeting cards, ad copy, etc.); how to find those places; and how to approach those places. You'll also learn how to organize your time to maximize your earning and ministry potential. Next, you'll explore the area of book writing, covering a lot of ground including: ghostwriting, children’s writing, devotional writing and nonfiction book writing. Finally, you'll learn those “tricks of the trade,” that will increase your chances of selling your work on a consistent basis. Join Michelle for a practical, fast-moving, ever-so-fun and way-too-many-handouts kind of comprehensive class. She's saving your seat! -
Class Title: When Rhyme is a Crime!
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
You might have heard that “Rhyme is a crime,” and that editors don’t like rhyming board books and picture books. That’s not exactly true. Editors just don’t like BAD rhyme. They like rhyming board books and picture books that are written well. It’s just that they have seen so much bad rhyme over the years, their hearts might be a bit hardened toward rhyme, generally speaking. But if you can write good rhyme—then go for it! In this workshop, bestselling children's author Michelle Medlock Adams shares how to write and sell well-done rhyming manuscripts so you don't become a rhyme criminal!
Deb Alsdorf
Class Title: TBA
Class Description: TBA
Dan Balow
Class Title: Building Your Author Platform from the Ground Up
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I
Step-by-step approach to building an effective author platform. This single session will outline the process of building an author marketing platform from beginning stages to a long-term effective tool. Moving quickly through the process of determining your message to implementing all the pieces, this single session will be information overload, but a necessary start. -
Class Title: What do publishers want?
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT II/III
Direction to authors seeking to be published by traditional publishers. This workshop is primarily for authors willing to adjust to the market's needs. Dan will show how awareness of publisher differences will give an aspiring professional writer an idea of how to adapt. Still, publishers might “violate” their own rules, but knowledge of various publisher preferences is key to a successful long-term writing career.
Twila Belk
Class Title: A Working Writer
Class Type: Continuing Class
Class Description: ACT I/II CC 2-day
Few authors make a living from writing books alone. The rest of us who want to be working writers need to diversify. In this class, we’ll discuss potential streams of income, the importance of connections, business practices, and self-care for working writers. We’ll also include plenty of tips and ideas. -
Class Title: Is Ghostwriting (Collaborating) for You?
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III CC 2-day
Is collaborating (ghostwriting) a good fit for you? We’ll discuss what it takes, the pros and cons, expectations, the process, and more. Not only will Twila share from personal experience, but she will also include lots of information from one of the most beloved collaborators in the industry, Cecil Murphey. -
Class Title: Say It with Humor
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
A touch of humor can help get your message across in a fun and memorable way. Learn about the benefits of using humor, where to find it, and how to incorporate it in your writing and speaking.
David Bennet
Class Title: Making Words Sing: Wordcraft
Class Type: Workshop Practicum
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
Finding words to communicate what you want to say should be like planting a garden instead of digging a ditch. The right phrasing can bring your words to life and cause your reader to smile, nod, or even express a verbal aha. Beginning with titles and subtitles, you’ll have an opportunity to improve your skills before you walk out the door. -
Class Title: Writing about Faith, Family, and Life
Class Type: Continuing Class Practicum
Class Description: ACT I/II/III 2-day
If you're not careful, writing about what you believe, who you love, and how you live your life could get you published. In this three-part class, under the guidance of the Managing Editor for HomeLife, you'll have the chance to submit articles tailored for his and other faith-based magazines. -
Class Title: Inspired Writing that Inspires
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
Both magazines and devotionals provide life-changing opportunities to inspire others and to be inspired in the process! Whether 300 words or 2,000 words, God can use you to lead others to His Word. This workshop will give you the tools to make it happen.
Cherrilynn Bisbano
Class Title: Your Platform is Bigger Than You Think
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Do your social media numbers cause angst? Do you feel you will never grow your platform? Cherrilynn understands and wants to help. Join Cherrilynn for tools and a brainstorming session to prove your platform is not just your Social Media numbers.
Where did you attend college?
Do you belong to any organizations?
What’s your church denomination?
Who will endorse your book?
Do you know anyone famous?
Does a family member or close friend have a large reach?
Are you scheduled to speak? -
Class Title: Blog to Book
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
Have you asked yourself? “Can I create a Book from my online content?” Or, “Can I use my book to create social media content?”
We spend copious amounts of time interacting on social media and writing content for a blog or vlog. Can we use this content for a book? Better yet, can we use our book for content?
Cherrilynn inserted many stories from her blog to complete her award-winning book, Shine Don’t Whine, and shares insights from successful writers who completed the quest from blog to book. She provides the same tools she uses to coach her clients through the process.Class Requirements:
The writer taking this class should have a book or blog/vlog. Your book does not need to be published.
Class Title: Top Three in Thirty
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACTS I/II
An agent or a publisher can review your proposal and decide your fate in thirty seconds, especially if one of the top three requirements doesn’t meet their expectations. It seems unfair when the author spends hours on research, edits, and rewrites.
I had the honor to interview agents and publishers at the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference and found the top three items they look for in a proposal. I will cover these three vital parts in detail. -
Class Title: Keep the ME in Memoir
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: Acts I/II
So you want to write your story and don’t know how much to disclosure? Perhaps someone asked you to ghostwrite events from their life and you don’t know where to begin?
Cherrilynn will define the difference between a memoir and an autobiography.
She will explain the basics of crafting a memoir, as she helps you navigate the difficult terrain of exposing names, events, and details of the story. Come to the workshop with ideas and questions. There will be time for brainstorming.
Amy Bright
Class Title: Sword Fighting 101: Create Battle Scenes that Enthrall!
Class Type: Continuing Class Practicum
Class Description: Act I/II/III 3-day CCP
This three-day Continuing Class will help you craft exciting, more authentic battle scenes through a crash-course in HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts).
You’ll use a variety of swords, daggers, staves, and shields to create fight sequences that enthrall and make sense!
Come prepared to move and sweat.
E. Stephen Burnett
Class Title: Can Your Fantasy Be Magical?
Class Type: Continuing Class
Class Description: ACT II/III CC 2-day
Christian creators can discern the differences between occult and fantasy magic.
Christian fantasy writers are often asked about biblical texts that warn against the occult, or readers who feel tempted. Come explore with grace and truth the nature of evil versus Christ's power. We’ll discuss the Christian author’s responsibilities and consider how best to serve our critics and readers who hold different beliefs. -
Class Title: Fantastical Stories for God’s Glory
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I
Explore how fantasy, sci-fi, and other fantastical tales uniquely honor Jesus.
What's the biblical purpose of fantastical fiction? How can we discern these stories’ graces and idolatries? And how can these stories serve the Church? Join us for a tour through God’s fantastical word across history, and explore how the gospel of Jesus Christ inspires our creation of fantastical stories for God’s glory.
Class Title: Why Christians Need Sci-Fi
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Futuristic stories have unique power to explore biblical truth in our homeworld.
Christian fans often support traditional fantasy because Lewis and Tolkien helped revitalize this genre. What then do we think of science fiction, which originated not in medieval myths but in modern humanism? Let’s learn how sci-fi heroes and their riveting tales can honor Jesus Christ, not just with dystopian and end-times thrillers, but complex fictions that help us anticipate and even shape the future.
Michelle Cox
Class Title: Lessons Learned from the World’s Bestselling Author
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Hidden between the pages of the Bible are writing lessons from the world's bestselling author—lessons that will equip, inspire, and teach us as we seek to reach hearts and lives through the words we write. Join me as we use the example of what Jesus wrote to make our writing shine for him. -
Class Title: Writing for the Gift and Devotional Book Markets
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Have you ever thought about writing a gift book or a devotional book? Then come to my class where we’ll talk about what you need to know from the time you come up with the idea until the day you see your masterpiece on bookstore shelves and bestseller lists. We’ll cover things like formatting and expanding your book project, finding a publisher, what to expect during the publishing process, and much more. I learned everything the hard way, but after attending my session, you won’t have to do that. (Pausing to adjust my halo.) Please join me so I won’t be sitting in my classroom like a big wallflower!
Blythe Daniel
Class Title: What Stands Out In a Book Proposal
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: Act I/II
Some writers believe that a book proposal is an afterthought to the book itself. But book proposals are the bread and butter that sell the idea to agents (and publishers) with certain elements to carry our interest. What are those elements? This workshop, from an agent, will highlight the areas you want to pay special to. It’s not about how much you have in your proposal, but what you have that catches attention and shows not only that can you write a business plan (what I call proposals) but that you can articulate material that publishers will use in marketing. -
Class Title: Writing is Easy. It’s All the Other Things..
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: Act I/II
This workshop will look at how to move beyond your first love of writing to the things you just don’t love. There are areas that authors can struggle in that I call SOD – some other day. S = Selling (your books), O = Operational (maintaining consistency) and D = Delivery (funneling content). We procrastinate, forego, or put off learning skills or we don’t steward our writing well. We know we need a clear path forward and in this workshop we’ll look at motivational ways you can hit the zones with successful strategies to give you traction and a no-SOD approach. -
Class Title: Should New Writers Self Publish or Hold Out for Traditional Publishing?
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: Act I/II
A popular question is: “Should I just go ahead and self publish or build a platform and wait to see if a publisher is interested in me and my book?” The answer really depends on your goals. In this workshop, we’ll look at both avenues and talk about where making the leap from self publishing to traditional publishing can happen (not guaranteed) coupled with where you start makes a difference for future books. We’ll look at what’s in an author’s best interest for each and show a cost and time analysis that may help you decide what’s best for you.
Vincent Davis II
Class Title: Amazon Ads Unlocked
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
TAmazon Ads can be one of the most powerful tools for authors looking to sell more books—but they can also be confusing, frustrating, and expensive if you don’t know what you’re doing. In this session, you’ll learn the fundamentals of Amazon Ads, why they matter, and how to use them effectively to reach more readers.
We’ll break down the key components of a successful ad campaign. Whether you’re new to Amazon Ads or struggling to see results, this class will give you a clear, step-by-step approach to setting up and running ads that work. By the end, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence to start using Amazon Ads to grow your book sales.
Lynette Eason
Class Title: TBA
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: TBA
Matthew Hawk Eldridge
Class Title: Bringing Characters to Life
Class Type: Continuing Class Practicum
Class Description: ACT I/II CCP 2-day
Professional film and television actor Matthew Hawk Eldridge (Hunger Games Trilogy, The Divergent Series, 90 Minutes in Heaven, Pitch Perfect 3) will help you develop believable, dynamic characters for your fictional story. Do you have a great storyline and setting but struggle with flat characters? Using professional acting techniques, participants will learn basic acting skills they can use at home to bring their characters and stories to life. This is a FUN hands-on workshop style course offering strong, fundamental character-altering perspectives. -
Class Title: The Secret Hollywood Story Formula
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
For many years, Hollywood producers followed a secret, proven formula to fictional storytelling. This formula was used by the biggest studios, and most notably used by Walt Disney himself. It’s this formula that catapulted Hollywood to a level of storytelling far beyond any other country. Professional film and television actor Matthew Hawk Eldridge (Hunger Games Trilogy, The Divergent Series, 90 Minutes in Heaven, Pitch Perfect 3) will help you understand the secret Hollywood formula to great stories so that you can apply it to your fictional stories. With an emphasis on conflict and character design and development, this workshop level 1 class is great for beginner to intermediate writers. -
Class Title: A Crash Course to Songwriting
Class Type: Workshop Practicum
Class Description: ACT I/II
You may be a storyteller who tells stories on paper, but have you ever thought about writing a song? No musical skills required! Join singer/songwriter/producer Matthew Hawk Eldridge on a songwriter’s journey and learn the skills to quality songwriting, from inception to development to completion. Participants will learn the basics to this poetic form of writing, from structure to theme to prosody and more. Matthew will also be available for any open questions or discussions regarding this topic at the end of the class.
Sharon Elliott
Class Title: Writing with Impact
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I
Your manuscript needs to be more than well-written in order to flourish. This session teaches you how to evaluate your book to see if it includes the four essential qualities necessary for its ultimate success. Literary agent and multi-published, award-winning author Sharon Norris Elliott will help you build your manuscript into the well-balanced masterpiece publishing houses will want, and you will be proud to sign when asked for your signature. -
Class Title: Getting Started as a Professional Freelancer
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I
After the hour you spend in this seminar, you will have all the tools you need to begin your professional writing career. Learn about the supplies you’ll need, the paperwork that will make you look like a pro, record-keeping, and much, much more. The time you spend here will increase the time you’ll have to write. -
Class Title: The 14 Targets a Title Must Touch
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Most of us do our best to come up with a clever title for our book, but many of us fail miserably. The title is the most important marketing tool for your collection of words. In fact, a strong title must multitask to accomplish 14 purposes. Attending this workshop may help you creatively entitle your book to enthrall your readers, or it will at least explain why publishers reserve the right to assign this task to the company’s hired professionals.
Raewyn Elsegood
Class Title: Writing on the Edge: Taking Care of Yourself when Writing about Hard Things
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Our world is full of heartache, and sometimes it’s our role as writers of faith to respond. But how do we write in the tough spaces without losing our way or being overwhelmed? This workshop will unpack the importance of taking care of ourselves, while preparing for and writing about challenging topics – be that for children or for adults. From the importance of prayer covering, to practical safety and mental health advice, this class will encourage writers with strategies, tips and self-reflection to continue to write faithfully and with purpose in the hard places.
Co-presented by Penny Reeve and Raewyn Elsegood, this session will address both the writing and personal perspectives of writing on the edge. Penny will speak from her experience writing award winning books with challenging themes for children and young adults, and Raewyn will contribute a non-fiction writer’s perspective as both a chaplain and writer on lived grief.
Eva Marie Everson
Class Title: Writing to Learn Who You Are in Christ, Who Christ is in You, And Why He Called You in the First Place
Class Type: Continuing Class Practicum
Class Description: ACT I/II/III 4-day CCP
Writing to Learn Who You Are in Christ, Who Christ is in You, And Why He Called You in the First PlaceClass Requirements:
This class is limited to the first 10 participants. You must sign up in advance and can do so by emailing Eva at PenNhnd@aol.com.
Linda Gilden
Class Title: The Shy Marketer
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
Do you have friends who have just released a book and they are out there selling away? You see them mixing with people and telling them all about their book, so excited there is no other option but for their friends to buy their own copies. Learn ways to market your book even if you are an introvert. Find ways to get the word out about your new book and get those sales going. -
Class Title: The Christian Market Guide
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
Many people have been encouraged to buy the Christian Market Guide, but this is the first time many have heard of it and wonder “Why do so many people encourage us to make this purchase?” This class will teach you to grasp how using this “goldmine reference book. Are you new in the publishing world and continue to hear words that you've never heard before? Do you feel like some of the words used at the conference are almost a foreign language? Did you realize there was a book that would provide you with a topical reference list to point you to publishers and periodicals who publish exactly what you are offering. There are also lists of writer’s groups and editors in each state as well as lists of agents, editors, specialty products, devotional companies looking for writers, and so much more. When I finally understood this book, I knew I had discovered a goldmine to the writing world. Join me for a fun tutorial that will make your marketing so much easier Bring your questions and let's get going. When you leave the session, you will have a greater understanding of the market guide that will change your marketing strategies. -
Class Title: Make Money Marketing Your Book
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT II/III
Articles are a great way to build your platform and establish yourself as an expert in your field. Article writing can also create publicity for your book and other writing. Learn how to use article writing to take your writing to the next level, increase your visibility as an author, get you a regular paycheck, and so much more. An overview of article writing and how it can benefit authors of all genres.
Karynthia Glasper-Phillips
Class Title: Take Off The Mask
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Are you a writer in fear? Perhaps you are living with the affliction that plagues most high achievers, often known as imposter syndrome, which affects more women than men. This workshop aims to inspire participants to embrace their calling and help others pursue their vision or regain focus.
Identify the signs and symptoms of imposter syndrome to help participants evaluate their motivation for writing and provide strategies to eliminate the distracting influence of comparison. More importantly, participants will explore methods to remove their masks and write confidently as children of God, responding to their calling without comparison.
The takeaway is a boost of confidence in one’s identity in Christ to answer their call and how to dismantle comparison and be the authentic you. He will do it through you . . . Psalm 37:5-7 (NIV). -
Class Title: Writing Process for Publication
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
How to prepare a writing area, routine, and rhythm to work as a paid author. The essential steps to implement and become a fruitful writer This will be a conversational workshop engaging the participants and the faculty to stimulate the vision to return home with a plan to put into action and increase focus and strength for the journey of authorship.
Prior to attending, realistically think about the perfect writing space and a topic to draft out the process for when you return home. No area chosen is too small. . . see yourself working together with God. (Zec 4:6 NLT)
Katrina Glover
Class Title: Building a Basic Website with Wordpress
Class Type: Continuing Class Practicum
Class Description: ACT I/II 4-day CCP
Target Audience: Unpublished writers / published authors who currently have no web presence. In this class, participants will be taken through the process of creating a website—from purchasing a domain name and hosting, to installing a pre-determined theme and basic plugins. We will walk through individual steps each day until, on the last day of the class, each participant will have a basic website that is ready for content to be added.
In addition to the step-by-step process, we will discuss the importance of having a website, an overview of how to navigate a Wordpress website, how to maintain a Wordpress website, and more.Class Requirements:
Max Group Size: 12
Pre-registration RequiredYou must sign up for this class in advance in order to receive a checklist of items to complete before the class begins. Please email info@kikawebdesign.com in order to sign up and receive this checklist.
Class Title: How to Use MailerLite
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
Many writers feel that they do not need a platform (social media, website, newsletter list, etc) because they are not published. This is a common misconception and during the course of this class, we will discuss why everyone—no matter what stage of the author journey they’re in—needs a newsletter.
In this class, we will discuss how you can use MailerLite to boost your audience reach—from sign up forms, to giveaways and automations. -
Class Title: Maximize Your Author Website
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT II/III
This course will target established authors who are not utilizing their platform to its best potential. We will review pages that every author should have, the need to keep websites up to date as well as how to make basic changes to website content, install plugins, creating backups, etc. The goal is to get rid of the “this is too hard” stigma that many authors feel when it comes to their website and help them maximize their sites potential.
Linda Goldfarb
Class Title: Podcasting 101
Class Type: Continuing Class Practicum
Class Description: ACT I/II/III 2-day CCP
• Benefits of Podcasting
• Podcast Hosting Basics
• The Best Time to Begin Podcasting
Linda is an 11-year talk-radio veteran and current host of the podcast, Your Best Writing Life on iTunes and numerous podcasting platforms. Before you step behind the mic, gain an insider’s insight into the world of podcasting—shorten your learning curve before investing your finances. -
Class Title: Audiobooks 101
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
• Why Consider Audiobooks?
• What Genre works Best for Audiobooks?
• Who’s the Best Voice for Your Book?
• What’s the Best Way to Market Your Audiobook?
Before investing your finances, gain an insider’s insight into the world of audiobooks. As an audiobook narrator, Linda evaluates books for audio options on a regular basis. She loves helping authors take their next best step.
Heather Greer
Class Title: Creating with Canva and Book Brush Free
Class Type: Continuing Class Practicum
Class Description: ACT I/II 3-day CCP
Creating materials to promote our writing can be a challenge. As authors, we express ourselves with words, and the thought of designing images for social media and printables can be overwhelming. We believe the skills and tools to create quality images or hire it done are beyond our limited expertise and budgets. But there are free tools available that are easy to navigate and designed to help create quality graphics for print and online use. On day one, we will discuss the pros and cons of the free versions of Canva and Book Brush. Days two and three will be guided, hands-on practice using each of these programs. Participants will leave the class with at least two social media ready graphics, one printable graphic, and the confidence to continue using Canva and Book Brush in their marketing efforts.Class Requirements:
Participants must sign up for this class prior to the conference. Laptops are needed as this is a practicum. Reach out to Heather at heather@heathergreer.com. to sign up.
Class number is limited to 15.Heather Greer will confirm your spot via email. If you do not receive confirmation, please message her on Facebook to confirm receipt.
Class Title: Ditching Discouragement
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Discouragement. Left unchecked, it bleeds authors of their passion for writing until there's nothing left to put on the page. But it doesn't have to be this way.
Ditching Discouragement focuses on two major areas of discouragement writers face, imposter syndrome and rejection. We will look at examples of each, their life cycles, and why they're able to tempt authors to step away from the keyboard once and for all. Using scripture and visual aids, we will also look at four ways to help ditch discouragement and protect your writer's heart from future attacks. -
Class Title: Don’t Write Alone: Growth and Care of Your Writing Community
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Writing is, often, a solitary task. There is great temptation to overlook the benefits of fostering a strong writing community. After all, we have enough to accomplish in getting the words on the page. But there are many benefits of engaging in writing communities, including increased productivity, growth in the craft and business of writing, and support for difficult times.
Using scripture as the guide, this workshop will highlight biblical principles for building your writing community, barriers to developing a writing community and how to overcome them, the types of community available, and practical activities and steps to make your communities as beneficial as possible.
Lori Hatcher
Class Title: You Can Write Best-selling, Life-changing Nonfiction
Class Type: Continuing Class
Class Description: ACT I/II CC 2-day
Would you like to write nonfiction articles, blog posts, devotions, and books that will attract a publisher’s attention, inspire your readers, and change people’s lives? It’s not as hard (or as easy) as you think. Best-selling Our Daily Bread author and speaker Lori Hatcher will walk you through a simple strategy for creating articles, devotions, and books readers and publishers will love. -
Class Title: Writing Life Hacks – How to Write Better, Faster, Smarter
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
Lori Hatcher has learned from others, written five (so far) bestselling non-fiction books, and loves to teach others what she’s learned. In this infinitely practical workshop, Lori will share 20 of the most useful tips she’s uncovered to help you write best-selling non-fiction. -
Class Title: 10 Simple Tips to Help You Save Hundreds of Dollars on Editing
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Experts agree that whether we’re self-published or traditionally published, every author should have their manuscript professionally edited. Aside from hiring your high school English teacher or entrusting your precious book baby to a sub-par contractor, is there anything you can do to save money on this expensive process? YES! In this workshop, Our Daily Bread freelance editor Lori Hatcher will share the ten most common errors she finds in manuscripts. Then she’ll show you how to correct these mistakes, helping you save countless hours and hundreds of dollars.
Bob Hostetler
Class Title: Your Best Book Now
Class Type: Continuing Class
Class Description: ACT II/III CC 4-day
Four sessions on conceiving, crafting, completing—and selling—the best
nonfiction book(s) you've got in you.
Katherine Hutchinson-Hayes
Class Title: The Magnitude of Mentorship
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
Join us for an insightful workshop on mentorship for Christian writers. This workshop is designed to provide Christian writers with guidance and support in their writing journey. Through interactive discussions and practical exercises, participants will learn about the importance of mentorship, how to find the right mentor, and how to establish a fruitful mentor-mentee relationship.
Whether you’re a new writer seeking guidance or an experienced writer looking to share your wisdom, this workshop will offer valuable insights and resources to help you thrive in your writing endeavors. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with fellow Christian writers and gain valuable mentorship skills to elevate your writing journey
Class Title: Effective Article Writing: Get Published and Expand Your Platform
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
As a writer, you must familiarize yourself with the submission guidelines of the editors and publishers to which you are sending your work. These guidelines may include a summary of your article, a cover letter, or a one-page synopsis, among other requirements. It’s essential to carefully review and comply with the specific guidelines provided by each publisher.
To increase their chances of success, writers should understand submission guidelines and research their target audience and the publisher they plan to submit their work to. Once an article is approved, ensuring it's a polished finished product is important. With hundreds of submissions daily, making a good impression is crucial.
After completing the workshop, participants will thoroughly understand how to conduct research, deliver compelling pitches, craft an article, and successfully follow up on article acceptances.
Class Title: Developing Your Public Speaking Skills as a Terrified Author
Class Type: Continuing Class Practicum
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
Are you a Christian author who wants to share your message with a broader audience but is terrified and needs more know-how? Do you struggle with public speaking and want to improve your skills? This workshop will help you develop your public speaking skills with NO experience and become a more effective communicator.
In this class, we’ll explore the biblical principles of communication and how to apply them to your public speaking. We’ll discuss connecting with your audience and delivering your message with clarity and impact.
Through practical exercises, you’ll learn how to overcome your fear of public speaking and develop a confident and engaging speaking style. You’ll also learn how to structure your speeches and presentations for maximum impact and how to use visual aids to enhance your message.
But this isn't just a public speaking class – it’s an opportunity to grow as a Christian author and deepen your understanding of the power of communication. By engaging in various exercises and discussions, you’ll better understand your message and how to communicate it to others effectively.
Join us for this exciting workshop and discover how to become a more effective communicator and share your message with the world. Whether you’re a seasoned author or just starting, this class is perfect for anyone looking to develop their public speaking skills and grow as a Christian communicator.
Andrew Jackson
Class Title: Interactive Fiction
Class Type: Continuing Class Practicum
Class Description: ACT I/II/III 3-day CCP
Discover interactive fiction, how to write and create interactive fiction, potential in the market for interactive fiction.
I - What is Interactive Fiction?
Overview – High-level, interactive fiction defined, formats (CYOA, gamebooks, computer-based, mobile, movies), and applications in society (entertainment, education, professional training) – this presentation will focus on DIGITAL interactive fiction.
II - Creating Interactive Fiction
Thinking and planning a work of IF – generating ideas that work well for interactive fiction, planning the reader experience, plotting the work before beginning the build.
III - Publishing Interactive Fiction
Where and How to Publish IF – self-publish: own website or app, interactive fiction posting communities, Kickstarter - more traditional: approaching IF websites, apps, and games publishers.
Quick Survey of Tools – Twine, Inform 7, ChoiceScript, inklewriter, Stornaway.io, Tales Creator – many others, but introduce the accessible, creator friendly, industry leading, forward-thinking software.
Class Requirements:
Twine Introduction and Basics – installed before presentation – introduce interactive fiction concepts, Twine 2 Editor environment tour, go over Twine 2 common terms.
Twine is open-source
Visit https://twinery.orgTwine is available for free to download or use in a web browser. Be sure to download before arrival in case there is no internet, a problem installing, and to save time.
Class Title: Embark on Your Own Hero's Journey
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Discover the classic Hero’s Journey story structure as presented by Joseph Campbell, Christopher Vogler, and James Bonnet. Overview of the concepts from ‘Man's Search for Meaning’ by Viktor Frankl, and the guidebook ‘Storyline: Finding Your Subplot in God's Story’ by Donald Miller. First steps in broad dreaming about the Hero you want to become, and the potential journeys you may undertake along the path God has called you to follow.
Further Defining Your Hero’s Journey
Guided personal examination of past passions, desires, and current dreams. Explore the seven aspects which comprise your personal hero’s journey. Explain how the stages cycle until the journey is complete – the goal is reached and a new goal is established. Teach methods to uncover and define the seven aspects of your personal hero’s journey. Resolve to begin by choosing the first step to undertake.
This workshop will cover:
I - Overview of Hero's Journey and Personal Application
II - Further Defining Your Hero's Journey
III - Gamification of Your Journey and Tools to Equip
IV - Minor Journeys and Side Quests
Tammy Karasek
Class Title: Help! How Do I Run My Launch Team?
Class Type: Continuing Class Practicum
Class Description: ACT I/II/III 2-day CCP
Your book is set to publish and you have a date—now what? In this class, I’ll walk you through a timeline of a Launch Team Session. I’ll give you tips to organize the Launch Team to help you get the buzz started for your upcoming book release. I will share not only information on how to run a launch, but we’ll also work together to create some of the documents I use to create and manage a team. Bring your laptop and we’ll walk through setting those up so you’ll know where to find them.
I’ve participated on Launch Teams since 2011 on over 300 teams. Armed with this experience I now run my own Launch Team business working directly for authors. I’ve managed authors’ teams myself and also helped other authors’ organize their teams since 2019. I’d loved to share this knowledge with you for your upcoming book release.
Let me help reduce your stress to set your book launch up for success. Whether you run a Team yourself, or choose to hire a Launch Team Manager, I will give you actions you can do or at least educate you in what to look for when hiring a Launch Team Manager (I happen to know one, should you need one—wink!)Class Requirements:
Laptop Highly Recommended for the Class
Class Title: Beta Readers, Street Teams and Launch Teams – Do You Need Them?
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
I will explain the differences between these three groups and if you need them. Hint— yes! The majority of the class will focus on Launch Teams. I have participated in over 300 Launch Teams since 2011 when I began reviewing books for launches with WaterBrook Multnomah, a division of Penguin Random House Publishers. I remain on their team to this day. I've worked for other publishing company launch programs as well.
From my experience I now run my own Launch Team business working directly for authors and their Launch Teams. I’ve managed authors’ Teams myself and also helped other authors’ organize their Launch Teams. I have been on teams that were extremely successful and some that were not. From those experiences, I want to take some of the stress of having a launch team off of the writers. -
Class Title: I’ve Launched My Book — Now What?
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
You’ve gathered a launch team. They’ve help you spread the news about your book. Launch Day has come and gone for that book. Now what are you supposed to do?
In this workshop, I’ll give you some ideas of how to keep the momentum going about your new release and ways to keep the book in front of new readers eyes.
This class will give information that will also be good if you haven’t launched yet— you’ll hear about some specific ideas that you can be organizing now so you’ll sail through your launch session and right into your marketing blitz after launch day. -
Class Title: Virtual Assistant: Need One? Be One?
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
You’ve moved from a hobby writer, to a full-fledged writer, congratulations! Yet, now you find you need to do more than write the stories, blog posts or devotions. The responsibility to build readership through social media, newsletters, and more may overwhelm you. With your busy schedule, it comes down to write or build my readership and followers.
At this point in your writing career, you may need a Virtual Assistant. A Virtual Assistant can wear many hats from Admin to Graphic Designer and so much more. Whether you need a little assistance or a lot, to know when you reach the point of extreme overload is important.
In this class, I will share what I do daily as a Virtual Assistant for several authors and the work as the BRMCWC Social Media Manager. I’ll share ideas to assist you in your decision to hire a Virtual Assistant for yourself.
But wait, do you have skills that others could use should you decide to offer services as a Virtual Assistant? My presentation may spark an idea for you to make some side gig cash for your writing expenses! I’ll talk about the business side of a Virtual Assistant, too.
Grace Kelley
Class Title: Writing for Focus on the Family
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Focus on the Family publishes four magazines and a variety of online content. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to contribute to Focus on the Family’s various media content. -
Class Title: Writing for Focus on the Family – Children’s Magazines
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Writing for magazines is a great first step to become a published author for children. In this workshop, you’ll discover the keys to contributing to Focus on the Family’s children’s magazines. -
Class Title: How to Write Children's Fiction That Sells
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
I’ve learned a lot about writing interesting, engaging, lesson-filled, and fun stories for children in my 3 years of working with Focus on the Family’s children’s magazines. In my new workshop, I’ll teach aspiring authors the do’s and don’ts of writing successful children’s fiction.
Carol Kent
Class Title: Turn Your Written Words into Compelling Platform Presentations
Class Type: Continuing Class
Class Description: ACT I/II/III 3-day CC
How do speaking and writing connect? Both are very similar in the
developmental stages—and in today’s world publishers are extremely
interested in writers who have speaking platforms. Your carefully written
words have the power to transform lives—in print and in spoken form.
Carol Kent has trained thousands of Christians in communication skills
through the Speak Up Conferences. Come to this continuing class to learn
how to put together an outstanding topical presentation.
You’ll discover how to develop powerful illustrations, how to gain the
attention of your audience, how to deliver a message with energy and
enthusiasm, and how to motivate your audience to follow through with a
positive action step.
An added benefit is that Carol will share the secrets of building your speaking
platform, setting appropriate fees, and she’ll reveal how to get meeting
planners to invite you to come back again and again. You CAN learn how to
speak up with confidence!
Jan Kneedland
Class Title: Ways to Incoroprate Common Chronic Illnesses into Character/Plots
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
IE: Diabetes, Hypertension, Stroke, Heart attack, Amputations, Mental illness
Learn the basics about symptoms, medications used, and possible complications of some of the most common chronic illnesses and how you may be able to incorporate these into characters/plots. -
Class Title: Yikes! I didn’t take Latin!
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
Medical terminology for nonmedical writers. Learn how to translate medical-speak into common English and use medical terminology and personnel appropriately in your writing.
Heather Kreke
Class Title: Writing Scams and how to Avoid Them
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
Nowadays, we face scams everywhere we go and in everything we do. Including in our writing lives. In this class, we’ll take a look at some of the common scams writers face and talk about how to not fall for them. -
Class Title: Writing for Teens
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: Act I/II/III
Are you eager to write for teens but unsure where to start? In this class we'll talk about how to deliver what today's teens crave in their stories, action, romance, compelling characters, and more. All while keeping our writing clean and staying consistent with Christian values. -
Class Title: From Draft to Self-Published
Class Type: Continuing Class
Class Description: ACT I/II/III CC 2-day
If you’ve ever thought about self-publishing, but aren’t sure if you should, or where to start, this is the class for you. In this class we’ll cover why self-publishing works and how to do it effectively and professionally. From Editing to putting your book up on KDP (and if you don’t know what that is, this is a good class for you).
Rowena Kuo
Class Title: The Reality of Publishing Fantasy
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
CBA vs. ABA, large publisher vs. small, vanity press vs. royalty-paying: finding the right audience and right house for your fantasy novel. Covers the pros and cons for submitting to various publishers, what houses to approach, and how to skip the slush pile. -
Class Title: Backstory Blowout: The eradication and successful reintegration of pesky backstory information
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Have you ever been told to remove backstory from your novel, but you think your story needs it to make sense? Discover techniques to remove backstory and reincorporate it into your manuscript where and when it belongs. -
Class Title: Adapt Your Story into a Screenplay
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
Step by step formula for adapting either a full-length novel into a 2-hour screenplay or a short story into a 15min film. What essential elements a screenwriter should incorporate to interest potential producers.
Steve Laube
Class Title: TBA
Class Type: Workshop
Julie Lavender
Class Title: Navigating Work-For-Hire Opportunities
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Work-for-Hire opportunities abound for writers, pay well, and offer writing credits. Sometimes elusive, WFH assignments come in formats like magazine articles, devotions, compilations, educational publishing, and book projects. Join Julie as she introduces you to WFH possibilities along your writing journey to add valuable publishing credits to your resume. -
Class Title: Writing for Guideposts Magazine
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
Wanna write inspiring, true stories for Guideposts Magazine and join authors whose words have been read by millions of people for seventy-plus years? Come learn tips and techniques for getting your story or devotion accepted for Guideposts Magazine and a host of other Guideposts publications and opportunities from Guideposts’ contest winner and contributor, Julie Lavender. -
Class Title: Educational Writing: It’s In the Books!
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Take work-for-hire to the next level by writing educational books for children! In this workshop, you’ll learn the ins and outs of writing for the educational market, and you just might see your name on a book in a school library! It’s rewarding, fun, and educational for the writer, too!
Larry Leech II
Class Title: Props and Circumstances
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Convenient props (a gun) and circumstances (just when the character needs one) is a big no-no. And often is a sign of lazy storytelling. That may sound harsh, but convenience hinders the believability of the story or the motivation of the character.
Rather than dropping in a prop or circumstance for convenience, spend time planning when to first show what you need, even if you are a pantser. A little planning of the introduction of your props and circumstances will keep the reader from thinking “well, that just would never happen.” -
Class Title: After the Conference
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Using Let's Make a Deal as a backdrop, attendees will make their best guess on what they should handle first after returning home from the conference. After the guessing is done, they will learn the importance of time management, priorities, creating and meeting deadlines, and how to take a business approach to writing. -
Class Title: What’s Your Story? (How to write a memoir)
Class Type: Continuing Class Practicum
Class Description: ACT I/II CCP 2-day
None of us have just one story to tell. We have stories. But not all are worth writing about. Learn how to determine what is and what isn’t a book-worthy story. We’ll look at themes, character arc, story arc, basic memoir-writing ideas, and other key elements needed to write a memoir that will sell.
The sessions will feature instruction on:
• The types of memoirs
• Why you want to write your memoir
• How to determine your theme
• Choosing the time period
• The importance of first lines
• The importance of story arc and character arc
• How to pace your story and when to end
Class Requirements:
Prerequisite: A completed memoir or a work-in-progress.
Joy Massenburge
Class Title: When the Honeymoon is Over: Producing a finished manuscript when you’re not inspired
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Can you remember when words flowed onto the page? You were confident you were called to join the writing world and loving the journey. However, like any love relationship, you’re going to experience adversity. The dreaded rejection. The disappointing critique. And God forbid life take an unexpected turn. This presentation will equip you with craft practices that will produce a finished manuscript in sickness and in health, richer or poorer, until you write THE END. -
Class Title: Mastering your Calendar: Learning when to say NO!
Class Type: Continuing Class Practicum
Class Description: ACT I/II/III CCP 2-Day
Joy. Balance. Control. Results. Liberty. Are these benefits currently a part of your life? When was the last time you reserved a date especially for you? What activity would totally rejuvenate your depleted energy tanks and creativity to write, if you completed it? This presentation will challenge you not only to answer the questions above, but to discover how to make your calendar reflect the self-care choices it takes to optimize your living. JOY-filled living. -
Class Title: Welcome to the Jungle: 4 communication styles to spice up your character’s dialogue
Class Type: Continuing Class Practicum
Class Description: ACT I/II/III CCP 2-day
Welcome to the Jungle: 4 communication styles to spice up your character’s dialogue.
You’ve completed your two-page questionnaire about your character’s hair and eye color, the kind of car they drive, where they work and still your crit partners say your hero/heroine is flat. That is, until you introduce dialogue. Dialogue brings life to the deadest scene. Even then, it’s how you say a thing. In this interactive workshop we will use the common attributes of animals in the jungle to depict the four basic communication styles to help us create the kind of characters our readers find themselves talking to as if they are real people in the room.
Edie Melson
Class Title: Bullet Journaling; Organization for Writers
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: Act I/II/III
Edie has been accused of being an expert multi-tasker. But the secret to getting things done lies in her ability to organize and prioritize her life. She shares all her best tips and tricks, from naming files to using blocks of time to accomplish more writing to making sure her priorities line up with God’s. And of course she covers Bullet Journaling!
(Not sure what a bullet journal is? Visit www.bulletjournal.com)
Edie has been Bullet Journaling for almost 5 years and now she’s ready to share how it’s brought manageability to her crazy schedule. In this workshop you’ll learn the basics and how to personalize it for your specific needs. She’ll also share her own personal hacks that make her bullet journal so valuable to her as a writer, author, and blogger. -
Class Title: Blogging for Today's Writer
Class Type: Continuing Class
Class Description: Continuing Class, Act I/II/III 2-Day
Blogging is as valuable as ever for writers who are willing to learn. In this class, Edie will share
-Insight on finding the best blogging option for you
-Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and show you how to apply it to your own site
-The importance of Titles
-How to grow your audience base
-Copyright 101
-The importance of images
Karisa Moore
Class Title: Sharing the Gospel Through Poetry
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
This course shows participants how to effectively utilize poetry in their devotions, nonfiction, and fictional writing. This interactive PowerPoint discussion will identify our audience, sources of inspiration, poetry forms, and how poetry can bridge faith divides to point to Christ. Each participant will receive handouts that include a discussion guide, next steps for incorporating poetry, and resources. -
Class Title: Poetry Forms and Sources of Inspiration Workshop
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
This course discusses forms of poetry, such as Found, Hiku, Concrete, Rhyming, and Free Verse. We will look at where to draw inspiration and how to connect with readers through your unique voice. Participants will receive handouts with a list of poetic forms, publishers accepting poetry, and prompts for further practice. -
Class Title: Poetry Workshop and Critique
Class Type: Continuing Class
Class Description: ACT I/II CCP 2-day
In this practicum, we will discuss the unique publication process for poetry, the importance of editing, and critique. We will work on up to three poems (no more than 1,500 words total) and give feedback to each other utilizing the Word Weaver Critique Method.
David Nabors
Class Title: Overcoming Common Struggles in Creating Realistic and Engaging Crime Storylines
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACTI/II/III
This class addresses writers' challenges when crafting realistic and engaging crime storylines. Participants will gain a general foundation of how to accurately depict police procedures and forensic science, develop believable characters, construct intricate plots, and balance legal and ethical issues. -
Class Title: Evidence: The Silent Witness, Understanding Crime Scenes
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
This class delves into what constitutes a crime scene beyond the initial location. We'll explore Locard's Exchange Principle and its crucial role in forensic investigations. (Locard's Principle of Exchange states that whenever two objects come into contact, there is an exchange of materials between them. Individuals at a scene will always leave some trace of themselves at a crime scene and take something from it, providing crucial evidence for investigators.) Attendees will learn how to use evidence to connect suspects to crime scenes and how it can prove or disprove statements. -
Class Title: Writing for Accuracy: Research, Resources for Writing About Police Procedures
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
This class provides strategies for researching and writing accurate police procedures. Learn about valuable resources, including books, articles, databases, and expert consultations, to ensure your crime stories are authentic and engaging.
Susan Neal
Class Title: 10 Steps to Building an Author Platform
Class Type: Continuing Class
Class Description: ACT I/II
Learn everything you need to know to grow your author platform and gain more followers. This class covers topics such as websites, social media, lead magnets, newsletters, author profiles, and book marketing. -
Class Title: Tips for Getting More Book Reviews
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
One of the most critical tasks an author can do for their book is getting at least 50 Amazon book reviews. It took me two years to obtain that many reviews, but now my book, 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates, has over 1200 Amazon reviews. In this workshop, attendees will learn techniques to increase their book’s reviews. -
Class Title: Determine Strategic Categories and Keywords
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT II/III
Would you like to attain a higher Amazon rank which would result in more sales? You can benefit from amazing sales if you learn the following strategies. This class teaches you techniques to boost your book’s rank by choosing strategic book categories and strengthening keywords. It takes a little work, but the results are exceptional.
Edwina Perkins
Class Title: The Importance of Fiction Techniques in Nonfiction
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
A great nonfiction book should be able to captivate the reader from the very beginning. By incorporating some of the techniques commonly used in fiction writing, we can create more engaging and impactful nonfiction books. As writers, our aim is to narrate a story that is so intriguing it keeps the readers hooked right from the start. In this workshop, we will explore some of the literary techniques typically found in fiction writing to help your books stand out among other authors. -
Class Title: Maximize Your Conference Experience
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ORIENTATION
You’re here! You’re here! You’re here! Now what? Whether this is your first conference, 1st time at BRMCWC, or a seasoned conference attendee, there is always something to gain from going to the orientation. Come learn the who, what, where, why, and when of the conference to help you navigate the conference with confidence.
Orientation takes place BEFORE registration at 3 pm on Sunday. -
Class Title: I.D.E.A. for Change
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
Writing from a Christian perspective presents numerous challenges. We still need to be bold and write what God has put on our hearts to write, but at the same time we need to seriously consider how we address issues concerning Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access. How you do your research, integrate into the communities you are researching, and engage in ethical storytelling all contribute to an improvement in representation of marginalized communities.
This workshop will offer tools for writers to shed light on issues and experiences that may be unfamiliar to some readers and foster a sense of understanding and connection through their writing.
Katie Phillips
Class Title: When Editors Say “Your Baby is Ugly”
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I
A humorous and practical guide to processing your first (or tenth) edit letter and working through how to start revising and successfully implementing editorial feedback. This workshop will first address the many emotions that often come from receiving tough edits on your book baby and offer some heartfelt suggestions for working through the imposter syndrome that often follows receiving an edit letter. Then we’ll roll up our sleeves and unpack a step-bystep process for evaluating feedback, prioritizing the needed revisions, and putting together a game plan to make changes and elevate your story to the next level without sobbing in the corner (too much). -
Class Title: Practical Novel Outlining
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Come prepared to get to work and dig deep into plot and character arc structure and how they intersect throughout a story, as well as learning a toolbox full of strategies to use outlining techniques to break writers’ block, make your storytelling more cohesive, and hit your word counts on deadline. If you love lists and planning, this class will be right up your alley, but even if you’re typically more of a “plantser” or “pantser,” you’ll walk away with some concrete ideas to incorporate the strengths of outlining into the process that works for you. -
Class Title: Soul Care for Burnt-Out Authors
Class Type: Workshop Practicum
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
Feeling a bit burnt-out? Weary? Wondering why your creative well looks a bit like the cracked dirt of Arizona in August? You’re not alone. Almost every author I know is wearing multiple hats. Mother, daughter, sister, employee, friend, caregiver, church volunteer, the list could go on and on. There will always be more opportunities and items on the to-do list than there are hours in the day. So how do you create space in your life to refresh your creative energy, and set intentional boundaries to prioritize your writing sessions and career? In this class, you’ll learn a different way of thinking about balance and burn-out that will replace guilt with freedom and empower you to step into God’s calling for you and your writing in a meaningful and sustainable way in your life season.
Karen Porter
Class Title: Speaking with Confidence
Class Type: Continuing Class Practicum
Class Description: ACT I/II/III 3-day CCP
Join professional speaker coach Karen Porter for an intensive speaker track and learn how to build a fabulous presentation and speak without notes. You will discover how to meet the needs of your audience and keep them on the edge of their seats during your presentation. We will learn practical techniques and hacks about stage presence and body language. We will work on attention-getting openings and powerful closings as we uncover fresh ways to use humor. Learn how to use media in your presentations and how to get speaking gigs. Each attendee will get the opportunity to speak a 5-minute presentation and get on the spot coaching. -
Class Title: Take Your Storytelling to the Next Level
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Storytelling is the key to brilliant writing and speaking. If you want to take your writing and speaking to a new level, learn to tell stories to awaken and inspire your readers and audiences.
Every writer, blogger, podcaster, speaker, preacher, teacher, or anyone else who has a message, must understand how to craft a story for an illustration or example. Learn how to build characters and scenes and dialogue in a story of just a few written lines or spoken words.
In this workshop, Karen Porter shares all new practical tips and techniques to help you write and speak stories like a pro and change lives with your stories. Tell a story—make a point. Make a point—tell a story.
Penny Reeve
Class Title: How to Turn Your Children’s Book into a Writing Workshop for Kids
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
You’ve written a children’s book, and the kids love it, but do teachers and parents know how they can use your book as a resource for learning?
Author visits useful for promoting and connecting readers with your book/s, but they can also be opportunities for encouraging a new generation of writers! In this workshop, children’s writer Penny Reeve will guide authors through the process of creating an engaging writing workshop, suitable for children, and based on your latest book. We’ll cover learning aims, tips to keep children engaged and some basic how-tos for planning a successful writing workshop for young people. -
Class Title: Writing on the Edge: Taking Care of Yourself when Writing about Hard Things
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
Our world is full of heartache, and sometimes it’s our role as writers of faith to respond. But how do we write in the tough spaces without losing our way or being overwhelmed? This workshop will unpack the importance of taking care of ourselves, while preparing for and writing about challenging topics – be that for children or for adults. From the importance of prayer covering, to practical safety and mental health advice, this class will encourage writers with strategies, tips and self-reflection to continue to write faithfully and with purpose in the hard places.
Co-presented by Penny Reeve and Raewyn Elsegood, this session will address both the writing and personal perspectives of writing on the edge. Penny will speak from her experience writing award winning books with challenging themes for children and young adults, and Raewyn will contribute a non-fiction writer’s perspective as both a chaplain and writer on lived grief. -
Class Title: The Wonder of Writing Picture Books
Class Type: Workshop Practicum
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
Writing picture books can be some of the most challenging though rewarding writing a children’s author will ever do. In this hands-on workshop, we’ll consider the role of authors verses the power of illustrations, the use of language, imagery and metaphor, drafting, critiquing, rewriting, word count and paths to publication. For this class you will need to bring along a picture book story you are currently working on. Whether it’s at idea stage or further along, we’ll be investing in strengthening and developing your manuscript with realistic feedback and dedicated workshopping time.
Na’Kedra Rodgers
Class Title: Writing with C.O.N.F.I.D.E.N.C.E.
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Writers have a voice and an audience. Authors must serve their audience with confidence and clarity. The audience should see the writer’s heart on every page. Authors must believe that their writing is an assignment and gift from God to minister to His people. Below are key components listed that will empower young writers to tell their stories with conviction, authority and purpose. -
Class Title: Key Components of a Winning Mindset
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
There are individuals who are writing but still don’t consider themselves writers because they don’t have the name or following as someone else. You have to believe in your calling and walk in it with confidence.
Together we will walk through the key components of having a winning mindset so that writers are compelled to carry out the vision assigned to them, that they believe in their talent because it is indeed a gift from God and they go forth executing the plan and doing kingdom building in the process. -
Class Title: One-Liners to Build Your Social Media Presence
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Once you hit the submit button, it’s out there for the world to see. Choose your words wisely even when using social media. You can inspire your audience there as well as in a book. We will walk through the steps of how social media can be used effectively and the potential benefits that can come from it.
Cynthia Ruchti
Class Title: A Fresh Look at Platform
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
What if we’ve been pushing a platform rock up the wrong hill? What if it isn’t a hill at all but a table? If platform has you befuddled, gobsmacked, or dizzy, let’s talk. Let’s clear away the hype and the wondering and rewrite the platform narrative. -
Class Title: Write Tight
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
Writing Tight isn’t simply trimming 60,000 words from your way-too-long epic family drama. It’s more than polishing words until they squeak like fresh cheese curds (that’s a thing). Learning to write tight can propel your writing forward so even you like your own work better than you did before. And imagine how much editors and agents will appreciate the absence of unnecessary or trip-hazard words!
Taryn Souders
Class Title: Writing for Children of All Ages
Class Type: Continuing Class
Class Description: ACT I/II CC 3-day
We will cover the following subjects in this continuing class: - Learn the do’s and don’ts of writing for young children. What should your first pages have? Should you rhyme or not? Do you actually have a story? Come and find out! - Tackling Middle Grade, the “middle child” of stories – Writing books for kids ages 7 to
12 is a difficult challenge to take on. The age range is huge, and the topics are very diverse, ranging from slapstick humor to death. Come and learn about developing characters, which traits to use and which to avoid, plot-driven stories vs. characterdriven, Pantsers vs. Plotters, dialogue, and more! - Revising Your Manuscript 101 – Learn the steps to revising your novel or picture book manuscript so it’s the best it can be! We'll work together to find filler words, the story arc, transitions, and more. Find out how Wordle can help you find overused terms. -
Class Title: How Public Speaking and School Visits Can Become an Author's Best Friend
Class Type: Continuing Class
Class Description: ACT I/II/III CC 2-day
If you thought authors can only make money selling books, you’re wrong. Supplement your income by doing school visits! Schools often look for writers to come talk to students about the writing/publishing process. But have you ever listened to a presentation you’d just as soon sleep through . . . or sneak out of? Don’t be that speaker! Learn some do’s and don’ts of public speaking as Taryn Souders shares what she’s learned from years and years of doing school visits and teaching at conferences. Or maybe public speaking doesn’t bother you, but you’re not sure how to put together a school visit. Great news—this workshop will culminate with Taryn doing one of her favorite school presentations, hopefully giving you some fun ideas to create your own program. So come watch—and maybe even learn how to do mathmagic tricks!
Cindy Sproles
Class Title: New Writers
Class Type: Continuing Class
Class Description: Act I CC 3-day
This three-day continuing class takes new writers through the steps of writing, helping them understand what the industry is and the proper succession of steps to achieve publication. Join us by stepping in and stepping up to the challenge.
Day 1 – What Does That Mean? – This is an introduction to the writing industry. From lingo, to agents, to critique groups, as well as what expectations do new writers have, and how to pursue the goals they wish to attain. This class is a must for new writers.
Day 2 – Voice and Description – In this class we will discuss finding the author’s voice, what that means, and how we find it. We’ll move on to working with description and how to deepen our descriptions in our stories. We’ll look at how description sets the mood of a story and how it draws a reader deep into the fictional bubble.
Day 3 – I Only Have 15 Minutes? – There are several classes that tell us what a 15minute appointment is but in this class, we set a timer and show writers how quickly the time flies. We will discuss your questions for the professional you are meeting with and what to expect, and we’ll talk about what you need to take to your appointment to maximize your 15 minutes. Unspoken etiquette conferees need to know that your time with a professional will help and not hurt. We’ll touch on your pitch, what a one-sheet is, business cards, and more. You don’t want to miss this class filled with tools to help make your 15-minute appointment successful. -
Class Title: Writing Devotions that Touch the Heart
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
In this class, we’ll learn the old school method of Hook, Book, Look, and Took and how applying this process to your devotions will take it from ordinary to touching and impactful. -
Class Title: I Can Publish Just Because I Can
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
I Can Publish Just Because I Can is a vital class for writers who have completed manuscripts and struggle with finding a publisher. In this class, we discuss the process of publication from writing, finding an agent, seeking a publisher, or self-publishing. Often writers get ahead of the process and seek an agent before they have completed work, or approach a publisher before their work is ready. We will discuss the importance of following the steps to publishing and if self-publishing is for you. We’ll discuss what is involved in self-publishing, costs, and business plans. We’ll address the attitude of gratitude vs entitlement. Before you move ahead to self-publish, join this class and learn the important details needed for success.
Kara Swanson
Class Title: Five Secrets of Successful Street Teams
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Street Teams build community. Community creates loyalty. Loyalty sells books.
In this in-depth and interactive marketing session, award-winning author Kara Swanson dives into five strategies and tips to build a vibrant, engaged Street Team that will not only help launch a book — but continue to support an author far beyond release day.” -
Class Title: Nothing is Lost
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
This workshop is about finding creative inspiration in the lonely and quiet seasons. -
Class Title: Writing for One
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
This workshop is about identifying and reaching your target reader.
Rob Tiegen
Class Title: How to Write to a Felt Need that Publishers will want to Publish and Readers will want to Read
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
You have a message inside of you that you can't wait to share with the world. It aligns with the unique mission God has placed on your heart. Yet one of the most important steps to take before crafting your message is to not just write from your passion, but to the felt need of your audience and to the space in the marketplace that publishers are eager to fill. Rob Teigen brings 30 years of experience as both a publishing professional and bestselling author to help you create the book that readers and publishers are excited to discover.
Darlene Turner
Class Title: Breaking into Love Inspired: The Inside Scoop
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Can writers land a traditional publishing contract when the list of authors grows expeditiously every day? Love Inspired (Harlequin) is always looking for new authors, so how can you get in their door? Darlene will share what she’s learned writing for Love Inspired that will help those seeking to grab that coveted contract. She will focus on these key areas:
• Various lines within Love Inspired - LI/LIS/LIT
• Tropes (what the LI/LIS editors are seeking)
• Proposal (what to include)
• Manuscript (tips to catch an editor’s attention)
• How to submit to LI
• Do’s and Don’ts to be successful
• Benefits of a career with LI -
Class Title: Moving from Dream to Contract: Things I Wish I’d Known
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
Most writers are introverts and work by themselves alongside their characters. How does one move from being a debut author to landing more contracts while working alone? Community! This writer launched her debut book in the height of Covid-19 when book signings were cancelled, but was still successful and has obtained five contracts within three years. In this workshop, she’ll share information and tips that assisted her along the way. Advice she wished she’d known from the beginning.
• My story
• Writing growth
• How to find and maintain a successful Street Team
• Ideas to launch a book successfully
• Marketing tips
• Should authors enter contests?
• Newsletters – using them successfully
• Timing of future book proposals to get that NEXT contract!
• Writing community - brainstorming with fellow authors
• Things I would tell my younger writer self
• Writing help websites
• Author tools
• Writing craft books -
Class Title: Learning How to Build Effective Arcs: Character/Story Arcs 101
Class Type: Continuing Class
Class Description: ACT I/II CC 2-day
Learn how to build memorable character and story arcs that will engage readers from the first sentence and keep them turning the pages to a satisfying conclusion. Creating believable characters your readers love and storylines filled with conflict, tension, and twists and turns will guarantee they’ll come back for more.Class Requirements:
Pre-class homework (optional): I reference Thor in these classes, so watching the first Thor movie would be helpful.
Terry Whalin
Class Title: Unlock the Mystery: How Do Authors Sell Books?
Class Type: Continuing Class
Class Description: ACTI/II/III 4-day
This continuing session tackles some complex publishing issue with multiple answers.
1) Foundational Truths – write a good book to a specific audience, author mindset and understanding of the marketplace, pick the right publishing path
2) How to Build Relationships – LinkedIn, email, phone calls, consistency and touching base to help. The importance of gentle follow-up.
3) Effective Author Activities – the details matter including presales, words to avoid, sell to multiple booksellers, how to get reviews, endorsements, a foreword. How to write the right back cover and barcode. The details matter.
4) Continue to Take Action: Success leaves traces. Why and how to build community through activities such as blogging, radio, podcast, Goodreads, and social media. Why consistency and using the right tools is important.
Amy Williams
Class Title: Using Fiction Story Beats in Nonfiction
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
If you’re an author of fiction, you should only tell made-up stories. Right? Wrong. As a fiction author, you have the experience you need to be an excellent storyteller—period. You can absolutely take what you have learned about story as a fiction author and use it to enhance your “real life” stories in a way that makes them completely captivating. -
Class Title: Christians in the General Market
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
The world is getting darker and more godless every day, and it’s not an accident that Christians are still here. As long as we live in the world, we have a responsibility to be ambassadors for Jesus. So how can we be Christ’s ambassadors in our fiction, specifically if you write science fiction or fantasy? Is it possible to share your faith effectively with a non-believer through a speculative story? It’s more than possible; it’s the entire reason why Christians need to be writing speculative fiction now more than ever. -
Class Title: Cohesive Storytelling
Class Type: Continuing Class
Class Description: ACT II/III 3-day CC
Have you ever wondered why your sci-fi or fantasy novel isn’t resonating with people? Maybe you’ve got a character/world/plot combination that isn’t working. Each element of a novel must have a reason to be in the story. If your world doesn’t affect your characters or if your characters aren’t connected to the story, what’s the point? Character, World, and Plot are powerful tools, and you need to know how to make them work together in order captivate your readers.
Kennita Williams
Class Title: See Well: Cultivating a Clear Vision
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
In "See Well: Cultivating a Clear Vision," we explore the foundational principle of vision in the life of a Christian communicator. This workshop is designed to help you align your personal and professional goals with God's purpose for your life. We will delve into biblical insights on vision and clarity, and provide practical tools to refine and articulate your vision effectively. Whether you're an author, podcaster, or speaker, you will learn how to sharpen your focus, overcome distractions, and see your path with renewed clarity. -
Class Title: Be Well: Nurturing Your Whole Self
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
"Be Well: Nurturing Your Whole Self" focuses on the importance of holistic wellness for Christian communicators. This workshop emphasizes the interconnectedness of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. You will learn strategies to maintain balance and avoid burnout, ensuring that you can continue to serve others effectively. Through scriptural insights and practical exercises, we will explore ways to nurture your well-being, enhance your resilience, and cultivate a lifestyle that honors God and sustains your ministry. -
Class Title: The Guiding Light: The Importance of Mentorship in a Christian Writer's Journey
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
In the realm of Christian writing, the path to meaningful and impactful storytelling is often illuminated by the guidance of seasoned mentors. This presentation, "The Guiding Light: The Importance of Mentorship in a Christian Writer's Journey," delves into the transformative power of mentorship and its critical role in nurturing and developing Christian writers.
Jean Wilund
Class Title: Make Your Writing More Powerful with Humor
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
No matter what genre you write, humor can help draw your readers in and keep them to the end—as long as you handle it well. If the fear of getting it wrong makes you laugh off the idea of attempting humor, this workshop will relieve your fears. You’ll learn five compelling benefits humor brings to your writing and ten top techniques that make adding humor fun—and your writing more powerful. -
Class Title: Bold Writing: How to Stomp on Toes Without Crushing Souls
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II
We live in a world that celebrates evil with more exuberance each year. More than ever, we need Christians to deliver bold messages that convict their readers’ hearts, but don’t crush their souls.
In this workshop, Jean Wilund, the Selah-award winning author of Embracing Joy: An 8-Week Transformational Bible Study of Habakkuk, shares four critical elements of bold writing she used to stomp on toes with hard truths in such a way the reader feels convicted and loved by God, not destroyed. -
Class Title: How to Create a Bible Study that Transforms Lives
Class Type: Continuing Class
Class Description: ACT I/II/III CC 4-day
Selah award-winning author of Embracing Joy: An 8-Week Transformational Bible Study of Habakkuk, Jean Wilund, will take you on the journey of creating a Bible study that honors the Lord and changes lives. Using her three-step Bible study method as the model, this four-day continuing class will help you plan your study and learn how to share the truths in a way that leads your readers to transformation. You’ll discover hard-learned tips to best organize your writing and research and submit your manuscript with confidence.
Tina Yeager
Class Title: The Good, the Bad, and the AI
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT I/II/III
Have concerns about a content showdown with AI left you quaking in your boots? Untangle the horror, mystery, and nonfiction of computer-assisted content development. Take courage in the truth about the new word-slingers on the scene. Arm yourself with time-saving tools for writing. -
Class Title: Psyched Characters: Craft Fiction with Vivid Emotion
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT II/III
Do your protagonists and antagonists rise from their pages to captivate a reader’s imagination? Sculpting characters with psychological depth infuses your story with power. Discover personality types, trauma responses, and potential effects of mental health diagnoses. Learn solutions for the ethical dilemmas involved with portraying mental health disorders. How does your character respond to crisis? How does she cope with pain? Get into your character’s head and make her unforgettable. -
Class Title: Publicity for Pennies
Class Type: Workshop
Class Description: ACT II
Ready to land those interviews and gain priceless exposure? The best publicist to promote your message could be you. Outline your brand and prepare to share your unique voice well. Learn how to develop media kits, press releases, and publicity materials. Discover the best ways to establish brand awareness in the marketplace and get booked as a guest on media outlets.
Dawn Scott Damon
Class Title: Starting Your Vodcast Journey: Essentials and Best Practices
Class Type: Continuing Class
Class Description: ACT I/II/III CC 3-day
Are you ready to bring your podcast to a video platform? YouTube or Instagram? This continuing class is designed to equip beginners with knowledge and practical skills to create their own vodcast. (Video Podcast) Participants will learn the essentials of planning, producing, and promoting a vodcast, along with best practices to ensure high-quality content. The class will be interactive, providing Q&A for each stage of vodcast creation.
This class is ideal for authors and podcasters who are new to vodcasting, and interested in creating video content for online platforms. -
Class Title: How to Convert your Book into a Course
Class Type: Continuing Class
Class Description: ACT I/II/III 2-day
Transform Your Book into an Online Course and use AI to help.
Have you thought that your book would make a fabulous coaching course? Well, this continuing class is for you. Learn how to transform your book into an engaging and interactive online course, leveraging AI technologies to help you streamline content creation, and organization.