By Alycia Morales @AlyciaMorales
We frequently read posts that focus on us as writers and authors. But how often do we pause to consider those who work hard to assist us with our writing endeavors? The mentors, editors, designers, marketing geniuses, branding experts, and so many more? Let’s take a look at ways we can honor these fabulous folks outside of including them in the acknowledgment section of our books.
- Send a thank you note in the mail. Or, at least, email one. It’s always expected that we send payment for the services these professionals provide. But how often do we send thank you notes for the wonderful work they’ve done? Everyone loves a piece of mail that isn’t a bill or advertisement. And most contracts for services contain addresses. If yours doesn’t, go ahead and ask.
- Send a gift. Especially for larger projects, like mentoring or editing an entire series. I still use an L.L. Bean thermos that an editing client sent me several years ago at Christmastime. Her gift touched my heart and encouraged me to continue serving others in this capacity.
- Write a review of their services. Most of us read reviews, endorsements, or accolades before deciding to hire a professional and trust them with a project. It doesn’t take very much time or effort to write one that they may add to their website and share on social media or in their newsletters. Rather than waiting for them to ask for it, simply write it and email it to them. It may bring them much-needed affirmation or encouragement in that specific moment. The professionals who assist you in achieving your writing goals sometimes doubt their work as much as you may doubt your writing abilities.
- When you win awards for your writing, let those who helped you along the way know about it. Send a quick email to tell them. Personally, I like to add “award-winning” or “best-selling” to the bylines of the authors and clients I’ve worked with when I mention them on my website. When they win, I feel as if I’ve won. Like a parent whose child has won an award at school or in a competition. I like celebrating with my author clients.
- Share them and their work with others. Word of mouth is still the greatest form of advertising. If you’ve worked with someone that has served you well, spread the word. Post on social media about how they helped you. When someone asks for a recommendation, give one. Let them know what you loved about working with a particular professional. And let the professional know you’ve done so. It’s nice to have a heads up that someone has been referred to you for your services. And it gives the professional an opportunity to thank you for the referral.
Although writing is known to be a lonely journey, we never truly walk it alone. We have many who help along the way, whether we’re writing smaller pieces like articles, blog posts, and poetry or we’re writing books. Consider the professionals who have come alongside you to cheer you on, help strengthen your skills and craft, build your business, and make you and your work stand out in the crowd. Show them some love today.
What have you done to demonstrate your love for those who have loved on your writing projects and encouraged you along the way? Can you add anything to the list? We’d love to hear about it in the comments!
Alycia Morales is a freelance editor and author whose first book, Surviving the Year of Firsts: A Mom’s Guide to Grieving Child Loss, released September 2024. Her work has been featured in numerous magazines and several compilation books and devotionals. Thanks to her mad editing skills, her clients have found publication and won multiple awards in several national contests. Alycia is also a sought-after book coach and loves helping authors create successful careers.
When she isn’t busy writing, editing, and reading, Alycia enjoys spending time with her husband taking hikes and fishing in the Blue Ridge Mountains of the Carolinas or running off to the beach with friends. She loves coffee, crafting, and crime shows.
Alycia can be found at alyciawmorales.com. She hangs out on Facebook and Instagram.
The Conversation
At the end of each year, my husband and I show our thanks to the many editors, publishers, colleagues and friends who have walked with us on our writing journey by donating to literacy organizations in honor of those folks.