By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills
Purposeful writers refuse to consider if or when they will succeed. They are writers who accept their calling and understand the value of persistence and hard work.
How can we clothe ourselves as purposeful? Is it an innate trait or one we must study and master? Is the process long? Difficult?
The following are 7 traits of a purposeful writers in alphabetical order. Study each one to find your strengths and how to eliminate any challenges holding you back from reaching your potential.
Purposeful writers plan their careers. They are intentional and motivated. Their zeal and passion for writing shows in all they do. Ambitious writers add another line to the dictionary’s definition of “enthusiasm.”
Purposeful writers seize control of their careers. They take steps to learn all about the craft and the publishing industry. Acquiring knowledge is an engine additive to determined writers. Continuous learning becomes a fact of life.
Purposeful writers understand the value of dreaming. They are willing to develop their writing and editing skills to achieve their goals and desires. The process of professionalism is to think and act like bestselling writers
Purposeful writers focus on the heart of their calling. They emphasize what is needed to develop their genre resulting in professional satisfaction. Nothing interferes with their concentration.
Goal Oriented
Purposeful writers are goal oriented. They understand great achievements are won through taking baby steps, like eating an elephant one bite at a time. If a rejection hits them, they are prepared to learn from the news and move forward.
Purposeful writers are organized. Calendars, research, spreadsheets, analytics, and copious notes become their best friends and help them meet deadlines.
Purposeful writers keep logic at the forefront. While they are creative and dreamers (see #3), they are also practical and level-headed. Writing takes time, and the publishing industry can move slowly. Maintaining an attitude of realism keeps the purposeful writer on solid ground.
What is a purposeful writer tip that has resonat
DiAnn Mills is a bestselling author who believes her readers should expect an adventure. She weaves memorable characters with unpredictable plots to create action-packed, suspense-filled novels. DiAnn believes every breath of life is someone’s story, so why not capture those moments and create a thrilling adventure?
Her titles have appeared on the CBA and ECPA bestseller lists; won two Christy Awards, the Golden Scroll, Inspirational Readers’ Choice, and Carol award contests.
DiAnn is a founding board member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, an active member of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers, Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, Mystery Writers of America, the Jerry Jenkins Writers Guild, Sisters in Crime, and International Thriller Writers. DiAnn continues her passion of helping other writers be successful. She speaks to various groups and teaches writing workshops around the country.
DiAnn has been termed a coffee snob and roasts her own coffee beans. She’s an avid reader, loves to cook, and believes her grandchildren are the smartest kids in the universe. She and her husband live in sunny Houston, Texas.
DiAnn is very active online and would love to connect with readers on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Goodreads, BookBub, YouTube, LinkedIn. or her website: diannmills.com
The Conversation
I like how dreamer is in that list. And how you encourage us in each trait to keep learning the craft. I’m a big dreamer, but I make sure I go to at least one writers conference every year. Most of the time, I go to two conferences. I take online workshops, and the online writers groups I belong to have workshops as well as writing times (on Zoom.)
We can indie publish anytime, right? But if we aren’t purposeful, we won’t put out the best writing we can. I’m not satisfied if my writing isn’t the best I can make it. It might not be as “good” as other authors, but if it’s the best I can do, I’m happy.
Pam, I believe dreams keep us alive. God speaks to us in dreams!
I agree!!