8 Things That Can Derail Your Writing Career

by Edie Melson @EdieMelson

Through the years I’ve discovered something about writing that I never expected. I always believed that to be a successful writer you had to learn to write better, be diligent about networking and keep submitting. Those are all important, but it turns out the biggest things that affect my writing happen in my head.

By allowing all sorts of negative thoughts, emotions and habits creep into my mind I was defeating myself before I put the first word on the page. I’d like to share 8 things that will derail your writing goals the fastest, and invite you to learn from my mistakes.

  1. Looking Back, instead of ahead. It’s easy to get lost in the past, rehearsing old mistakes instead of looking ahead. You can’t make much forward progress if you spend all your time looking in the rearview mirror.
  1. Believing You’re not Good Enough. I have trouble looking at what I do and being satisfied. This is a business where you need to have confidence in yourself and in your calling to be a writer.
  1. Comparing Yourself to Others. There are always going to be people out there who are more talented, who got the break you hoped for, who are further ahead on the writing journey. Learn right now that THEY are none of your concern. You need to focus on you, not others.
  1. Spending Time Talking about Writing Instead of Writing. This is a tough one. It’s so much easier to spend time with writers, to read writing books and blogs, even attend writing events than it is to put your butt in the chair and pound out words.
  1. Setting Goals with Strings Attached. Set your goals and go for them all out. Don’t set limits or conditions.
  1. Negative Self Talk. I am way harder on myself than others are. I can rattle off about a million reasons that I’m not good enough, won’t be able to succeed, shouldn’t have the chances that come my way. I have to work hard not to defeat myself before I get started.
  1. Not Returning to Writing after a Break. There are times when we have to step away from writing. The reasons can range from illness, to family commitments, to all sorts of things. And truthfully the longer I’m away from regular writing time, the harder it is to come back. But even that’s no excuse for putting in the time I need to move forward with my writing goals.
  1. Expecting Talent to Get You Where You Want to Be. Raw talent is a good thing. BUT it’s not the best thing. The best things are discipline and an unwillingness to give up. Trust me, with writing, good things come to those who persevere.

These are some of the things that have kept me from moving forward with my writing career. I’ve learned—often the hard way—to avoid them at all cost. How about you? What has kept you from writing success? Be sure to leave your thoughts in the section below.

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    The Conversation

  1. Jenny L. Cote says:

    Amen! Thank you Edie. ❤️

  2. Julie Dibble says:

    Edie, God bless you and the work of your hands. Thank you for your honesty. I am coming out of what’s been holding me back, but the devil doesn’t stop. Thank you, Jesus, for writers who encourage and lead us in Your truth. For no one is too young or too (fill in the blank) if called by You to write.

  3. Terrie Todd says:

    Wow, I can relate to all of these! Right now #7 is especially true. Spent a week babysitting grandkids and granted myself a “few days” recovery time afterwards. But I’ve been home for ten days now and still haven’t got back to my novel. Thanks for the kick…er, I mean… nudge. 😉

  4. Jody Allen says:

    I needed to be reminded of these things. Thank you.