Below is the link to our 2020 Class offering page. As many of you know, this list will have some changes before we make it to the conference in May. Because of this, we ask that you check back regularly.
2020 Blue Ridge Mountains Christian
Writers Conference Class Listing
The classes are listed in the exact same order as the faculty on the 2020 Faculty Page. We do not add pictures to this page because it makes the size too big to be printed.
At the top of the page are 3 icons – a print icon, a PDF download icon and an email icon. These will allow you to print the page so you can have a hard copy.
To make sure we all understand the information, here are the details about the BRMCWC classes.
- Workshop – this is a stand-alone class, with all material presented in one single class time
- Continuing class – this class builds on itself, added new material each time it meets. A continuing class can be 2-4 class times in length.
Within these two types of classes, the instructor may choose to make the class a practicum. This would be a class with heavy student participation (for example a class teaching about author bios would become a practicum if the students actually worked on their own bios in class).
We also try to help everyone decide if a class is appropriate to their experience by designating it Act I (beginner) Act II (some experience) Act III (advanced).
This rating is for the class material only, it’s not to designate where an attendee is in their publishing career.
For example, an attendee may have published several devotionals and nonfiction books, so they would be an Act III in those areas, but are just breaking into fiction writing so they are an Act I in the area of fiction. Many classes are designated as covering multiple levels. This is particularly true with social media and some of the business classes. This is why some classes cover multiple levels of experience.
Finally, our schedule—when exactly classes will be taught during the week—will be out in February. So stay tuned to this blog site and will announce when the schedule is live.
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