Are Your Writing Goals S.M.A.R.T.?

by Heather Kreke @HKreke

It’s that time of year again. When we all start thinking of what we hope to accomplish next year.

Setting goals is something we should all do. Goals help us to focus on what matters and can provide a clearer path to getting there. Today, we’re going to take a look at setting S.M.A.R.T. goals and how they can get you closer to your dreams.


Make sure you know what you want to achieve. “I want to write” is too broad. What do you want to write? Fiction or non-fiction, a devotional, an article, etc.? Do you want to write three hundred words or thirty thousand?


Set goals that will produce results you will be able to see along the way. When writing, you will be able to measure your progress as your word count, your files of research, or your piles of submissions to publishers grow.


“I will write a novel in two weeks,” is most likely not an attainable goal. Make your goals challenging but still manageable tasks that you will be able to complete. When you finish them, you will feel the excitement of completing something, but if you set the bar too high you will only end up being discouraged.


Dreaming big is a good thing, and keeping an eye on the big picture is too. Will this goal move you closer to your long-term vision for your life and your career.


Deadlines are incredibly important. If you are the one setting the deadline, make sure it is reasonable given your other commitments. Too short and you will be so stressed you won’t be able to think straight. Too long and you will procrastinate. If someone else has set the deadline, like an editor or a publisher, make sure you do everything in your power to meet that.

Once you have your goal defined, write it down. It will be more concrete and you will be more likely to achieve it. My goal is to have a completed rough draft of my third novel, 75,000 words, by August 1.

Is it Specific? Yes.

Is it Measurable? Yes.

Is it Attainable? I believe it is.

Is it Relevant? Yes!

Is it Timely? Did I set a deadline? Yes.

It is also a good idea to tell your friends and family about your goal. This way they can offer encouragement and help keep you on track.

What goals are you working towards right now?


BRMCWC Faculty

Heather Kreke is passionate about showing teens and young adults they can find hope in God’s plan for their lives—even through the darkest times. Her debut novel Path of Totality won first place in the 2023 Selah awards in the First Novel category.

She is the Blog Manager for the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference, Coordinator for the Blue Ridge Readers Connection, and a writing coach. In her spare time, she teaches writing classes, writes numerous blogs, and has completed coursework through the former Christian Writers Guild. Married since 2004, Heather has three daughters.

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1 Comment

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  1. Maureen says:

    Wonderful tips!
    Currently, I’m finishing edits on my debut novel, Gideon’s Book, which is due to release in the spring. Yay!