The 2016 Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference is coming up fast. And we’re adding something new. We will be inviting attendees to have their books available for sale in the conference bookstore (this includes traditionally published books and self-published books). We’ve done this in a limited basis in years past, but in 2016 we’re inviting you all to participate.
To qualify, you must be registered for the ENTIRE conference.
There are guidelines that must be followed. There is also a firm cut-off date of April 18, so be sure to watch the calendar.
This year, our bookstore will be in a different location. The LifeWay bookstore on the Ridgecrest campus has closed. But never fear, the LifeWay Asheville store has stepped in.
During the conference, the bookstore will be housed in the same area as the fifteen-minute appointments (Downstairs in Johnson Springs). This will make the books more accessible to attendees. In this location, the books more accessible to attendees. It will also give those waiting for appointments something to do (browse the books) while waiting.
The hours of the bookstore will be:
- Sunday: closed (as always)
- Monday: 1pm – 6:30pm
- Tuesday: 1pm – 8 pm (for the book signing, which will take place after large group on Tuesday evening)
- Wednesday: 1pm – 6:30pm
- Thursday: 8:30am – lunch
For LifeWay Asheville to carry the books requested, we must provide them with specific information. They will be accepting books for consignment, as well as ordering books directly from your publishers.
NOTE: If the book you request is available from the publisher, it must be ordered through the store. You MAY NOT consign personal copies of that type of book until the books ordered are sold out.
To have your book(s) included please email me with the complete information below at
Edie (at) BlueRidgeConference (dot) com
Information Required:
Books Ordered Directly from the Publisher
For each book requested, we need:
- Title
- Author
- Publisher
- ISBN number
Consignment books (those you’ll be bringing with you)
- Title
- Author
- Price
- Publisher
- ISBN number (if applicable)
- TX ID number for you (this can be your actual number or your social security, depending on how you have your business set up)
Books for consignment may be dropped off in the bookstore on Monday, May 23. If you need to ship books in advance, contact me and I’ll supply the specific address. You will still need to check them into the bookstore on Monday, there won’t be anyone to do this for you.
There is a firm deadline for including books in the bookstore. We must have your information by April 18 (books to be ordered and consignment information) to ensure the books will be available during the conference.
Thank you for helping make the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference such a valuable event!
Edie Melson,
Director BRMCWC
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