Author Self-care: When You’re Running On Fumes

By Debb Hackett @debb_hackett

Anyone else running on fumes? If you read this blog regularly you might recall I’ve been struggling for a while. No need to rehash, but suffice it to say, I emotionally limped into December, tried to be a recluse until a family commitment forced me out on Christmas Day, then spent most of January a teary wreck.

If I want to be published, I have to, you know, submit a book and proposal. That requires writing, and writing requires emotional capacity.

And yet, all I had was fumes. And even then, barely whisps.

But God’s call hasn’t changed. I need to find a way through. In the past ten days I have put myself on track to turn my WIP in to my agent by March 31. Here’s what I’ve learned about how to reclaim my emotional reserves…

Start with prayer

As Christian writers, we are invited to be and must be in lock step with the Lord. Get on your knees, real or metaphorical ones. Take your burdens to the Lord. I was reminded just today that the battles we’re facing, whatever they may be are already won. Amen?

Spiritual self-care

Do you know the worship song O Come to the Altar? This step is a follow on from prayer. Get yourself right with the Lord. Whether that’s belting out worship tunes in sincere abandon, reading a bible study, spending time in the word, journaling, whatever you feel your soul craving, do that.

Physical self-care

Are you tired? Have you been stifled inside the house? Eating junk? Reset your body with fresh healthy meals (this doesn’t need to be difficult), take some time to stretch or walk or both. Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and sleep soundly. Look after your body.

Medical self-care

If need be, talk to your doctor and get anything checked that’s not normal. In full transparency, I did that last week, and it turns out my hormones are throwing a party somewhere else, explaining much of my malaise.

Emotional self-care

Now feed your inner self. I can’t prescribe what this might be. For me, it’s an uplifting movie or show by our open fire. Walks in the country with my best friend (and husband), reading a book just for fun. Not to learn or promote (although obviously leave a review).

Creative self-care

Perhaps your creativity is burned out. A great way to kick start is to review a project you loved and were happy with. Talk to a fellow writer and brainstorm something. That always inspires me. Failing that, think sideways. Paint, build LEGO, try music, bake something. Sometimes creativity just needs a little jump start.

Relational self-care

When we are running on fumes, there’s a tendency to withdraw. But remember, the enemy loves to isolate us, because that makes us more vulnerable to attack. Not today. Invite a friend to coffee or lunch, arrange a video chat with someone further afield. Attend a church social, or like me last week, invite some folks you want to get to know better over for a pancake party. (15 showed up and it was total carnage).

Brave steps

Finally, once you have tried some of the above, make a list. Doesn’t have to be a long one. But set yourself an achievable, measurable goal and prayerfully, go for it.

Remember. We might be running on fumes sometimes, but Jesus isn’t. He’s ready to take the burdens and release you to the work He has called you to. And together, you’ve got this.


Writer, broadcaster and speaker Debb Hackett has been a radio journalist for more than twenty years. Married to a Royal Air Force test pilot, Debb has written a Bible study for military wives.

A regular contributor to the Advanced Writers and Speakers Devotional Arise Daily, she’s also been privileged to writer chapters for Write Well Sell Well. For now, based near London, England she’s having lots of fun working on a contemporary romance series and was an ACFW Genesis award semi-finalist in 2020.

When she’s not writing, Debb can be found leading worship, playing bass or skiing. If you can swing by her house while she’s making scones, that would also be a win.

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