As the cool air settles in and we prepare our thanksgiving for all that God has provided in our lives, including salvation, other things become less important than family gatherings and celebrations. Fall fades quickly into winter, and we turn to a season of rest and reflection.
Today, we share some autumn memes to inspire you as we head from one season of life into another.
If you surrender completely to the moments as they pass, you live more richly those moments.
– Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Journal Prompt: What’s a moment you wish you could completely surrender to? What difference would that make in your life?
Writing Prompt: What’s one moment your character needs to completely surrender to? How would that deepen your story?
Nonfiction Prompt: What’s one moment you did completely surrender to, and how can that story impact a reader of your most recent book? Now, use it as an anecdote.
Autumn … The year’s last, loveliest smile.
– William Cullen Bryant
Journal Prompt: What is it that you love most about the autumn season? What is it you love least about it?
Fiction Prompt: What fall activity could your couple participate in that would increase the romantic element of your story?
Nonfiction Prompt: Write a poem about autumn. Share it on social media with your favorite fall photo.

You crown the year with Your goodness,
And Your paths drip with abundance.
~ Psalm 65:11
Journal Prompt: What is one way God has displayed His goodness in your writing life this year? What is one way He has caused abundance in your writing life?
Fiction Prompt: How is God’s goodness portrayed in your character’s life? If it isn’t, what could you add to the story to bring that element into the story?
Nonfiction Prompt: Write a devotion that relates to Psalm 65:11.

Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying,
“I will try again tomorrow.”
– Mary Anne Radmacher
Journal Prompt: What’s one thing you’ve consistently failed at but continue trying to find success? Make a note of it and the next thing you’re going to do in that attempt to be successful.
Fiction Prompt: What’s the one thing you’ve been afraid to write into your novel because it’s so raw? Take courage and write it into your story tomorrow during your writing time. If you really struggle with it, write it in a separate document and figure out where you can add it later.
Nonfiction Prompt: How can you give your reader courage in an area of their life? Write that section of your book today.
What’s one of your favorite quotes? It doesn’t have to be writing related. Share it in the comments below, along with a writing prompt. We’d love to hear from you!
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