
  • Story of My Life

    by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea “My life flashed before my eyes.”  I don’t guess I’ve ever been in such mortal danger that I’ve been able to say that sentence in a legit way. But I have to admit, parts of me would be interested in watching my life-flash movie. At least the…

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  • Tips to Fill Your Passion Meter for Writing

    By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills We all find moments of discouragement in our writing. Rejections, writers block, the green-eyed monster called jealousy, and sometimes life’s junk leave us longing for our passion meter to hit top speed. The following 9 tips have helped me gain momentum when I’m staring at a…

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  • Setup Your Manuscript using Shunn and Word

    by A. E. Jackson @aejacksonmktg The process of submitting your manuscript can be daunting. First, there is the fear of being vulnerable to your critique group - no matter how close the friendship. Next, the rigid formatting requirements many editors and publishers impose on submissions. Finally, the time-consuming process of migrating…

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  • The Shy Writing Marketer

    by Linda Gilden @LindaGilden Many writers feel  that once they put the last period on their manuscripts their jobs are finished. All they have to do is email it to the publisher.  But that is not quite the case. If you have written a book lately, you know that one…

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  • Biblical Inspiration for Writers

    By Debb Hackett @debb_hackett We moved across an ocean during lockdown and are only now rolling up our sleeves and getting involved with life in our new area. When people ask what I do, I secretly brace myself for their reaction as I confess: I’m an aspiring Christian fiction author.…

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  • Surviving Everyone is at the Conference but Me

    By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Disappointments have a way of wiggling into our confidence, especially when our writing friends are at a conference, and we are at home. How does a writer survive? The following tips will help you overcome your sadness while providing tools to improve your craft. 1. Change…

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