by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea I remember trying to cook up something new for dinner for my family now and then when my children were growing up. Everybody knows I’m not a cook. No one knows better than my kids. Our family’s reminiscing often goes like this: “Hey Mom. Remember that time…
[ Read More ]By Kristin Faith Evans @AuthorKristinEv The pitching process can sometimes seem like a never-ending battle. Have you ever felt this way? I have. But when discouragement attempts to win, I go back to God’s Word over and over. Are you seeking confidence and direction in your writing career? I encourage…
[ Read More ]By Heather Kreke @HKreke Hey everyone, guess what? Writers Digest is accepting nominations for the top 101 writing websites. Would you consider nominating the BRMCWC site as one of them? We would be humbled, honored, excited, thrilled, and a bunch of other good adjectives, that this writer's brain is too full…
[ Read More ]The BRMCWC team wishes you and your family a very blessed and happy Thanksgiving.
[ Read More ]By Debb Hackett @debb_hackett “I’m going to be a writer because I want an easy life.” Said no one who’s ever tried to write a book. And yet, here we all are. Why? Because God called us, we are obedient, and, yes, despite those moments, we love it. As my…
[ Read More ]By Cindy Sproles @CindyDevoted Three successful novels and now a fourth on the way. What if I disappointed this time? Fear rose, and my self-confidence hit rock bottom. Suddenly, I lost my ability to put a story together. The first chapter came to me but, after that – what? Other…
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