By Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites Thank you for reading this post. Most people hate to wait. I know I do. Microwave popcorn takes too long for me. So what do you do as you wait to hear from your agent. The scenario: It’s been two weeks since your agent sent your…
[ Read More ]By JP Robinson @JPRobinsonBooks Throughout this series I’ve emphasized one main point—increasing your reach is vital to your writing career. I’ve also shared two ways to grow your reach. In this post, I’d like to proffer a third approach: creating a quality product. As an authorpreneur, increasing revenue through writing…
[ Read More ]By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills We all face discouragement that threatens our writing life. Life happenings affect creativity, and we need a treasure box of faith-filled resources to remind us God is with us and for us. He wants His best for everything we say, write, and do. First, we must…
[ Read More ]By Edie Melson @EdieMelson So often we make things harder than they have to be. Sometimes we do it because we’re used to doing things a certain way, or because it’s the only way we know how. But things change quickly these days, and it’s always a good thing to…
[ Read More ]by Blythe Daniel @BlytheDaniel When I was a student rising in the ranks of junior high and high school, the tall, full-of-life (and voice!) choir director would distinctly take a stand on a platform so we could see him as we nervously prepared our songs. The prepared platform gave him…
[ Read More ]By Leilani Squires The week of writing this post, my deadlines looked like this: Write Article 1 Write Article 2 Write Article 3 Edit 5,177 words Proof a 128-page manuscript Edit 5,861 words Finish/launch website Also, both kiddos were sick, one with “the coughin’s” and one with “the throw-ups.” And…
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