by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea I stood there looking at the car, shaking my head in utter disbelief. Disbelief and no small amount of judgment. That driver needed to be at least a little bit shamed. Pull the car in. Into the plainly marked spot. Put it between the two yellow lines.…
[ Read More ]By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Writing is a gift from God, a worthy and worshipful experience that allows us to join our hearts and minds with the Creator of the universe. That thought alone can make us tremble—the responsibilities to the craft, readers, helping other writers, and all that entails the…
[ Read More ]By Aaron Gansky @ADGansky As is sometimes the case, one of my students asked me a particularly good question. What surprised me is that it had to do with my blog. Don’t get me wrong, I know several of you check in often, but my students rarely do. “So, Mr.…
[ Read More ]by Blythe Daniel @BlytheDaniel I remember listening to the song in the prime of my junior high days. Taking a road trip with my family and rewinding the song on my portable cassette player. El Shaddai by Amy Grant was my song. God Almighty, yes, that was certainly one of…
[ Read More ]by Maggie Wallem Rowe How do you know when your calling as a writer is complete? In the academic arena, exams are announced ahead of time and research papers have due dates. In the corporate world, projects have deadlines and annual reviews arrive as scheduled. But is a writer’s work…
[ Read More ]by Katy Kauffman @KatyKauffman28 He wants you to forget. Our spiritual enemy’s mission is to hurt God’s children and keep hearts blinded to the truth. He doesn’t want us to remember that a spiritual battle is in play at all times. We may grow weary with writing and rewriting, but…
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