By Leilani Squires The week of writing this post, my deadlines looked like this: Write Article 1 Write Article 2 Write Article 3 Edit 5,177 words Proof a 128-page manuscript Edit 5,861 words Finish/launch website Also, both kiddos were sick, one with “the coughin’s” and one with “the throw-ups.” And…
[ Read More ]The Contest is open! New Categories Added In addition to last year’s date changes, we also added new categories. We will continue with those category additions this year. In doing a little research, we discovered that professional writers who write short-form were being slighted. There isn’t a national contest associated…
[ Read More ]by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea I’ve probably mentioned before that I don’t usually cook for the people I love. Because I love them. And while there’s much that could be said here about being hospitable, there are also a couple of sentences I could add about being “hospital-able”—which, I’m telling you, could…
[ Read More ]by Vincent Davis @vbdavisII How can we possibly hope to value a book that we've written? Blood, sweat, and tears were poured into that manuscript. It became our baby. So, now that our baby manuscript has grown up to be a big-boy book, and it’s ready to go out into…
[ Read More ]by Edie Melson @EdieMelson For writers today, an online presence can mean the difference between success and failure. But if we’re not doing it right, we may be our own worst enemy. [tweet_box design="default" float="none" inject=" #Writing #socialmedia #BRMCWC"]10 Ways to Destroy Your Social Media Presence - @EdieMelson on @BRMCWC[/tweet_box] You…
[ Read More ]By Cindy Sproles @CindyDevoted I honestly never thought I’d need to address this subject, but as I grow older and experience the ups and downs of aging, like bad knees and high blood pressure, it becomes increasingly vital that we stop and take note. It seems the writer in us…
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