
  • Prepare for Our Writing Tuskegee

    by Sandy Kirby Quandt @SandyKQuandt Two of my unpublished books are on the Tuskegee Airmen, Red Tails, of World War II. While researching the Airmen’s story, I found a quote by General Chappie James which, although it referenced the Airmen applies, I believe, to writers as well.  General James said,…

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  • Write First, Write Fast, Write to Finish

    by A.E. Jackson @aejacksonmktg Last November, I started a one hundred day goal to complete three MasterClasses. I studied writing craft with Joyce Carol Oates, Dan Brown, Neil Gaiman, and James Patterson. Still, some of the greatest lessons learned were gleaned in the time between videos, workbooks, and exercises.  The…

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  • The Science of the Servant-Leader

    by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea Did you ever get a note from your child’s school and secretly hope it was about anything but a project?  Minor behavior infraction. Please let it be a minor behavioral infraction.  Oh, that four-word note that casts dread deep into the heart of a parent: SCIENCE NOTEBOOK…

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  • What does Forgiveness Mean to My Character?

    By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Our characters experience life, and that means they can be wronged or they wrong someone else. Forgiveness can be a difficult task either for someone else or ourselves. It’s an intentional and conscious decision to get rid of resentment, hatred, or desire for revenge.  When a…

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  • Writing Obstacles and Opposition

    by Sandy Kirby Quandt @SandyKQuandt Despite your best efforts have obstacles and opposition stood between you and what you want to accomplish with your writing? They sure have for me. While reading in the book of Ezra, I noticed parallels between rebuilding the temple during Ezra’s time, and having a…

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  • Creativity – The Heart of God’s Writers

    By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Genesis 1:26 tells us we are created in the image of God. To grasp what this means to writers, I would like to  explore three critical points why the gift of writing is critical to reflecting a Christian worldview. This will help define the joy and…

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