by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea Kids have super weird yet extremely discriminating palates. I know this to be true. I raised five of them. I’m telling you, I remember toddlers completely snubbing dinner, then half an hour later eating a dirt clod and washing it down with bath water. It’s not like…
[ Read More ]By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Do we take time to ask God what He wants from our writing? Tough question because none of us want to sound unspiritual. We advocate God is the Boss, and we may ask Him for guidance. But do we seek His purpose in gifting us with…
[ Read More ]By Julie Lavender @JLavenderwrites If you’re straddling the fence about attending a writers’ conference, allow me to encourage you with some benefits I’ve experienced personally. (I recognize that the pandemic may inhibit your travel to BRMCWC 2020, but I’m hoping I can persuade you to start planning and budgeting now…
[ Read More ]by @RamonaRichards There’s a meme floating around, which was started by a gentleman out of the UK named David East. It’s a familiar trope these days; a normal job with a boring title gets an exciting euphemism instead. In this case, “copy editor” gets the description: “I am here to…
[ Read More ]By Cindy Sproles @CindyDevoted I’m a jack of all trades and master of none. At least that’s what my mom always said. She taught me to continually learn new things and become innovative. I may not master every secret or ability, but I have a good feel for what can…
[ Read More ]by Lynn Blackburn @LynnHBlackburn My boys were both privileged to have the same wonderful teacher in preschool, Mrs. Rhonda. She was responsible for teaching awesome tips like how to hold onto your sleeve when you put on a jacket so your sleeve doesn’t wind up over your elbow. I think we can…
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