By W. Terry Whalin @terrywhalin It was a life-changing moment and a revelation to my writing life. In 2007, I was a literary agent with, the Whalin Literary Agency, a small Arizona-based agency. Mark Victor Hansen, co-author for Chicken Soup for the Soul, invited me to Mega-Book Marketing University in Los…
[ Read More ]By Aaron Gansky @ADGansky Each day, I begin my Creative Writing classes with a prompt. It seems, regardless of the prompt, someone doesn’t like it. I’ll often garner a few complaints about how the prompt is “stupid” or “lame” or “too hard.” To which, I say, “Too bad. Do it…
[ Read More ]by Lindsey Brackett @LindsBrac The first time I heard about flash fiction was at my first BRMCWC. I was unpublished, unknown, and unaware of how much I didn’t know about writing and publishing. But a story in 1000 words or less? I knew I could do that. Mostly because I…
[ Read More ]by Blythe Daniel @BlytheDaniel Have you noticed it? Have you seen the shuffle to the side when more than one person is in the same space? We don’t really even get to ask, “How are you”? I see a lot of masks but not a lot of smiles. I…
[ Read More ]by Katy Kauffman @KatyKauffman28 I like watching lawyers argue their cases in TV shows. It’s inspiring—the words they choose, the evidence they present, and their outside-the-box thinking. I was once afraid that if someone were to question my beliefs and argue with me, I wouldn’t know what to say. Or…
[ Read More ]by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea I’m not going to lie, I allowed my kids to make a few bad hair decisions as they were growing up. I did it for two reasons. 1) I knew I would be able to show them the pictures years later and tease them mercilessly, and 2)…
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