By Linda Gilden @LindaGilden Almost every writers conference has a bookstore. Some are big and some are small but all exist to serve the conferees of the conference in several ways. The obvious reason the bookstore exists is to help both faculty and conferees sell books and to help customers…
[ Read More ]by Lindsey Brackett @LindsBrac I hope these short introductions into the Enneagram are helping you understand your characters and relationships better. Remember, we all carry tendencies of the nine different types, making us (and our characters) incredibly complex. But rather than focus on personality traits, the Enneagram begs you to…
[ Read More ]by Katy Kauffman @KatyKauffman28 Deadlines can be such a creativity killer. Rush, rush, rush. Get something on the page. No, get something wonderful on the page. Now! I know I need to slow down and pace myself better to give creativity enough time and room to work. Do you? In…
[ Read More ]by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea Debit card, my debit card. Oh how I need that thing. One day a while back I couldn’t find my card anywhere. I looked for it all afternoon. Even by the next morning, still no trace. I searched high and low, near and far. I even searched…
[ Read More ]by DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Varying degrees of point of view (POV) allows the writer to establish emotional distance between the reader and the character. The distance is set in direct relationship to the role the character plays in the story, the mood, and voice. The POV character takes the spotlight…
[ Read More ]by Edie Melson @EdieMelson Several months ago I hit a milestone on my person blog, The Write Conversation. I passed the 3000th blog post published. I wrote that number and then had to stop and let the reality sink in. I had no idea what God had planned when I…
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