by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea How many batteries does it take to power the average American post-Christmas playtime? If I were to make a joke out of that question, it would probably include a clever play on words—maybe something about lithium ion versus lead oxide. No doubt we’d all get a big…
[ Read More ]by DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills A savvy writer longs for a project that captures a reader’s attention. We want to stand out among the blog posts and articles that fill online sources. How does a writer choose a topic marked for success? Try the following acrostic for unique to help you…
[ Read More ]Happy New Year from all of us here at the Blue Ridge Conference!
[ Read More ]The New Year is barreling toward us. Here at the Blue Ridge Conference, we couldn't be more excited with what's to come. Not only has our main conference continued to grow, we've added some boutique retreats to our event schedule. Several years ago DiAnn Mills and I realized that Blue…
[ Read More ]by Lucinda Secrest McDowell @LucindaSMcDowel Let’s face it, 2019 is pretty much history. Unless you are one of those people who saves the final week of the year for intense writing, chances are these next days are full of other things – family and friends, worship and celebration, Christmas follow-up…
[ Read More ]Ramona Richards @RamonaRichards So today is Thursday, the day after Christmas. How are you feeling? Exhausted? Relieved? Excited? Over the years, I’ve discovered that many people have traditions for the day after Christmas just as they do for the previous two days. Some celebrate Boxing Day, which used to be…
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