by Katherine Hutchinson-Hayes, Ed.D. @khutch0767 “And I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me, and also of the king’s words that he had spoken to me. So they said, “Let us rise up and build.” Then they set their hands to this good work.” —Nehemiah 2:18 NKJV In our…
[ Read More ]By Larry Leech @LarryJLeechII Just Do It. Three of the most powerful brand words ever used in advertising. Those words made famous by a world-renowned apparel and sports equipment company has motivated millions of people to get off their butts and take action, whatever “it” might be. [tweet_box design="default" float="none"…
[ Read More ]by Ane Mulligan @AneMulligan I blinked and read the sentence again. The basic gist was if I was walking with God, the words would flow seamlessly. And once again, I doubted—my calling, my gift, my relationship with God. Because for me, the words don’t always flow seamlessly. Sometimes, it’s like…
[ Read More ]by Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites I gifted over twenty books to friends, family, and contest winners. Sales and reviews trickled in, and my discouragement overflowed. “I’m not giving away any more books.” I said to a friend. The Holy Spirit’s conviction buckled my knees. I’m a giver—most of the time. My…
[ Read More ]by A.C. Williams @ACW_Author With the seasonal arrival of autumn, something stirs in an author’s heart that encourages us to write. For me personally, it’s looking at my deadlines and realizing that I’ve only got three months left in the year to get done. So, yeah, fall is a great…
[ Read More ]by Alycia W. Morales @AlyciaMorales As an editor, I've seen quite a bit. Here are the things that make my Top 10 Things That Scare Me When Editing list. [tweet_box design="default" float="none" inject="#Editing #Writing #BRMCWC"]The Top 10 Things That Scare Me When Editing by @AlyciaMorales on @BRMCWC[/tweet_box] She was mad and…
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