By Aaron Gansky @ADGansky Good friend and co-author Diane Sherlock recently blogged about the similarities between writing a novel and training for a triathlon. For sure worth reading. Take a minute to follow the link and check out what she has to say. It prompted me to look at the way I…
[ Read More ]by Julie Zine Coleman @JulieZColeman My little cousin Betsy was three years old one September when a family friend took her into downtown Chicago on the train. Wanting to further the youngster's education, the woman pointed out the many trees seeming to fly by their windows. "Do you see all…
[ Read More ]by Maggie Wallem Rowe “Write from your scars, not your wounds.” You may have heard this advice at writing conferences, and perhaps even offered it yourself. I have. Sometimes we are simply too close to loss or a traumatic situation in our past to have the perspective needed to share…
[ Read More ]by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea I’m a die-hard gift card gal. I love to get them. I love to give them. Try not to dis the almost unreasonable joy I find in the card. If you hate giving and receiving gift cards and feel they’re impersonal, I hope you’ll still be my…
[ Read More ]By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills The holiday season means new ways to market and promote you and your book while seeking to meet reader needs. We look around us and the excitement for the upcoming events can be overwhelming, but let it not be so! The following tips to launch your…
[ Read More ]by Vincent B. Davis @vbdavisII As writers, we must wear many hats. We know this by now. For many of us, some of these roles may be uncomfortable. If you’re anything like me, you may be “social media averse”, and find it difficult to engage online and build a “platform” (that…
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