@EdieMelson I read somewhere once that good dialogue is a conversation with the boring parts taken out. I completely agree. Just record and transcribe a normal conversation and you’ll see that it isn’t all that interesting to read without a lot of judicious editing. But even armed with that knowledge,…
[ Read More ]@ADGansky Give your readers as much information as possible as soon as possible. To heck with suspense. Readers should have such complete understanding of what is going on, where and why, that they could finish the story themselves, should cockroaches eat the last few pages. –Kurt Vonnegut Aside from keeping…
[ Read More ]@DiAnnMills A new writer started an online platform. She established a website, a presence on facebook and twitter, wrote a weekly blog post that showed her expertise and passion, and asked open-ended questions. She followed the experts and generally prioritized readers by focusing on transparency while practicing professionalism. She believed…
[ Read More ]@KatyKauffman28 I thought of them as I wrote my first book—my best friend who has four children, another good friend who has survived trial after trial, and the women in a Sunday school I once belonged to. I wanted to remember their everyday struggles and concerns. I didn’t want to…
[ Read More ]@BisbanoWrites Congratulations! No, don’t leave, you are in the right place. I must recognize you for investing time in your writing career. Every instructional blog you read, video you watch, and class you attend, brings you closer to your writing goal. So take a moment and smile. Now, let’s get…
[ Read More ]@LindsBrac My eight-year-old daughter just learned to ride a bike. For Amelia, this event was more than a childhood milestone.It was significant—a sign of health and wellness and perseverance (and a testament to my learning to ask for help). Amelia is not a typical kid. She has this nagging, un-officially-diagnosed…
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