@ADGansky Seems every writer has a set of “rules” they like to follow, or rather, they like to insist other writers must follow. I’ve always fancied myself a “rule-follower,” but when it comes to fiction, we need to be aware of what “rules” are there for our own good, and…
[ Read More ]Some of what I write isn’t award-winning material. So it was with the original title for this blog, “What’s Your Epitaph?” It’s not very motivational. I’ll admit it, I feel most of what I write falls short. Yet I’m compelled to keep writing and hopefully get it right at least…
[ Read More ]@Tamela_Murray Do you have goals for the new year? Most of us resolve to improve ourselves one way or the other, perhaps to eat more vegetables, exercise more, spend less money, earn more money, and/or finish that book! In real life, we find obstacles to our goals. Maybe a party with…
[ Read More ][tweet_box design="default" float="none" inject="- @EvaMarieEverson on @BRMCWC #writing #faith"]More Information About the Labyrinth Practicum[/tweet_box] In 1981, my husband and I were given two free tickets to see Chariots of Fire, the motion picture that depicted the stories of Eric Liddelland Harold Abrahams, two runners in the 1924 Olympics. Liddell had been made famous,…
[ Read More ]@LindsBrac I feel the drag about this time every year. It’s in the gunmetal sky, dismal against the trees, shedding all their glory. Seasonal depression. Once the cold seeps in, my fingers struggle across the keyboard and it’s all I can do to make myself work on the things that…
[ Read More ]@AlyciaMorales If I'm going to be a writer, there are a few disciplines I'm going to have find within myself. They are vital to my writing career. Without them, I probably won't ever see my work in print. Not because my writing isn't good, but because I will never finish…
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