
  • Writers Can Make Imposter Syndrome Their Superpower

    By Debb Hackett @debb_hackett Did I really just suggest the impossible? Even as I sit to blog about imposter syndrome, I’m second guessing my qualification to do so. Oh, the irony. I’ve been through a tough season and have struggled to come out swinging, which is my usual default after…

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  • When a Writer Feels Wounded and Withered          

    by Danny Barnhill Throughout the Bible, God often takes those wounded, maimed, or hurting and makes them whole. While He could replace the damaged with something new, He chooses to renew, restore, or revive what’s presented to Him. There’s a great example found in Mark 3:1 (ESV): “Again he (Jesus)…

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  • Writing is More than Words

    by Cindy Sproles @CindyDevoted Writing is more than words. I hear you shouting, “WHAT!” But it’s true. Of course, writers devise stories, and those stories need written words to hit the page – yet there is so much more. As I have worked coaching individual writers this past year, I…

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  • How Writing Conferences Compare to Carrots

    By Tammy Karasek @tickledpinktam The title of this post may have you convinced this writer has lost her mind. While there may be some truth to that – hear her out. And by her, I mean me. On the two-hour drive home from a recent large conference, I had plenty…

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  • Want to Write a Bestseller?

    By W. Terry Whalin @terrywhalin As an acquisition’s editor at a New York publisher, I often speak with authors about their dreams and ambitions for their book. Many authors want their book to become a bestseller. Every business has a pinnacle of success. It is the ultimate mark of achievement. In…

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  • Seven Things Writers Must Do After a Conference to Succeed

    by Katherine Hutchinson-Hayes, Ed.D. @khutch0767 I recently returned from a writer’s conference feeling capable of anything. On my long drive home, I began reflecting on what I’d learned, the people I’d met, and how inspired I was by my experience. As is my practice when alone, I began speaking aloud. “Perhaps…

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