By DiAnn Mills, @DiAnnMills Writers must have passion for their writing projects or no one else will. No getting around it. But what happens when we are no longer onboard with the subject matter of our book, blog, article, poem, screenplay, or other types of writing? How do we…
[ Read More ]by Alycia W. Morales, @AlyciaMorales Have you ever wondered what you're meant to do as a writer? I mean, there are so many options. Fiction. Nonfiction. Romance. Young Adult. Children's Picture Books. Thrillers. Memoir. Devotions. Articles. Bible Studies. Blogging. Sometimes, it's hard to know which one to pick, especially if…
[ Read More ]by Bethany Jett, @BetJett Your First Reader is a super important person in your writing journey. As writers, we get so close to our projects, our writing "babies," if you will, that it can be difficult to take a step back. Having a second set of eyes (or three or…
[ Read More ]By Rhonda Rhea, @RhondaRhea Password anxiety. I’m pretty sure that’s a thing. You’re compelled to choose seven characters, un-guessable, throw in some capital letters, add the name of a dead pet, sprinkle in a few lower-case letters, include some numeric representation, and, on the whole, the password should eventually…
[ Read More ]by Alycia W. Morales, @AlyciaMorales As Christian writers, our main goal is to share God's love with those who read our words. Of course, it's nice to get paid to share those words, and writing is as much a job as teaching, building, or counseling. Contracts can be elusive, and…
[ Read More ]By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Emulating writers whose careers have soared into bestselling status provides us with amazing role models. We look for a road map with precise steps and no detours to accomplish the same goals. But every writer is different, and the destination isn’t always achieved the same…
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