Wrapping Up the Writing Year by Alycia W. Morales,@AlyciaMorales If your year has looked anything like mine, you’ve been super busy, faced trials and frustrations, and you’ve come into December wondering what on earth you’ve managed to accomplish in the last eleven months. January is just around the corner, the…
[ Read More ]By Todd Allen,@ToddAllenAuthor If you ever see me at a writing conference you’ll probably notice a brown writing journal clutched in my hand. If I don’t write down the jewels of wisdom I hear during these talks I’ll never remember them. Often I go back and read my notes…
[ Read More ]by Katy Kauffman,@KatyKauffman28 Soft hues of gold, orange, and pink painted the sky as the sun set on that frigid December evening. I clutched my coat collar closer as I left the office. That’s when I saw her. Shivering on the curb, she wore only a tattered hoodie and…
[ Read More ]By Bethany Jett, @betjett God gives us seasons of writing. Seasons of rest. Seasons of pursuing other projects, businesses, and family interests. Sometimes these seasons are the equivalent of writing silence, when the posts and articles you pen aren’t for you, but as part of freelance, volunteer, or business…
[ Read More ]By Rhonda Rhea, @RhondaRhea You know how I can tell we’re approaching the Christmas season? I find myself thumbing through a catalog. A catalog. Of. Meat. Potted meat. Pickled meat. Fried and dried and—maybe even poached meat. That just takes us to about page five. Then there’s meat by…
[ Read More ]By Deb Haggerty, @DebHaggerty As an editor, I read—a lot! And I find I get impatient with certain contrivances authors tend to overdo. I realize part of what we do as writers is our voice, but I also realize part is trying to impress or to ensure our readers get…
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