By Vincent B. Davis II, @vbdavisii Writers, by nature, are adrenaline junkies. Artistic rush seekers. We might claim that it’s the coffee that keeps us coming back to the computer screen, but in reality, it’s that indescribable feeling that wells up within us when we create something of…
[ Read More ]By Lucinda Secrest McDowell @LucindaSMcDowel “Think before you speak!” is good advice. What about “Think before you write?” Not a bad idea either. And I would add to that, “Pray before you write.” I’ve seen far too much writing launched out into the world these days with nary a thought…
[ Read More ]By Eddie Jones, @EddieJonesTweet How do you write a story with multiple points of view without confusing your readers? Which POV places the reader closer to the emotions and action? How do you create three-dimensional and believable characters with different camera angels? Let’s examine the three most widely accepted…
[ Read More ]Cindy Sproles, @CindyDevoted Any parent having experienced the birth of a child, either by giving birth or simply being a part of it, will say the process is hard. Labor can begin days before birth and the closer the event approaches, the more painful the process. Plain and simple,…
[ Read More ]By Vincent B. Davis II, @vbdavisii There are two kinds of traffic for your book: Own Traffic and Organic Traffic. Own Traffic is anything that comes from your website, blog, social media, email list, or former readership. You will build your base with Own Traffic, and it's how you'll…
[ Read More ]By Cherrilynn Bisbano, @chingaling3 Who wants to join me and lose some weight? Most of us could lose a pound or two. I lost twenty pounds through diet and exercise. The process is grueling and takes time and commitment. I keep the weight off by walking, going to the…
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