
  • Knock-knock. He’s There.

    by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea There’s a longstanding debate over which knock-knock joke is the best of all time. I would like to call it a knock-knock knock-down-drag-out, but I’m afraid you’d stop reading and I hate to lose readers in the first paragraph. We can’t argue that there are definitely knock-knock…

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  • The Art of Helping Writers

    By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills The art of helping other writers is a dual gift to the seasoned and serious writer. Both benefit from the enrichment. I’ve learned much from the beginning writer, and I hope I’ve passed on a few solid tips while growing into a better writer and child…

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  • Sell Your Books Everywhere

    by Diane Holmes Many of you probably remember that old nursery rhyme, The Butcher, The Baker, and The Candlestick Maker. I remember the title, but that’s about all. Now I have three individuals who are very near and dear to me – The Butcher, The Plumber, and The Clock Fixer.…

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  • When Editing Don’t Fear The Red Pen

    by Shannon Thomas @AuthorShannonT I love a red pen. I love what it symbolizes. I love the power it possesses. As a writer, I'm also terrified of it, like many of us are. But I've learned that the red pen is a necessary tool that can often be approached with…

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  • How to Allow Writing Wounds Make You a Stronger Writer

    by Edie Melson @EdieMelson We writers wear our hearts on their sleeves, metaphorically speaking. We pour our inner selves out on the page, drawing on the highs and lows of life to interpret the world through words. This is an exhilarating journey. The highs are incredible, and the lows…well…they’re tough.…

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  • Why Finding a Writing Mentor & Other Help Is Important

    by Vincent Davis @vbdavisII All writers start at the same place: heads swimming with thousands of plot points and hearts swelling at the thought of reaching thousands. It’s nearly impossible to walk through a church, a college campus, or your workplace without running into someone who claims to have the…

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