By Vincent B. Davis II @vbdavisii How does this sound to you: after you’ve spent thousands of hours researching, writing, and editing your book, you give it away… for free. Sounds awful right? What if I said that you need to pay for it? There aren’t many topics in the…
[ Read More ]by Edie Melson @EdieMelson Even today—with as many blogs on the Internet as there are—blogging is still a valuable part of building and maintaining an online community. But it’s rare for a blog to take hold and grow, if it’s not a place where comments proliferate. Almost no one likes…
[ Read More ]By Dawn Owens @dawnmarieowens Hi! My name is Dawn Owens, and I am an approval addict. I’ve struggled my whole life with overcoming this life-sucking addiction and I must tell you, even though I just wrote a book on it, I still struggle. Being an approval addict and going to…
[ Read More ]By DiAnn Mills @Diannmills Welcome to Faith Friday, week four of our Adventure with God for writers. The letter E stands for enter in the verse, enter His gates with praise. (Psalm 100:4) Psalm 100 1 Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! 2 Serve the Lord…
[ Read More ]by Edie Melson @EdieMelson We all have times when the well of creativity runs dry. Maybe it’s from too many writing deadlines, a family crisis or holiday madness. Whatever it is, it can leave us sitting in a desert thirsting for ideas. I’ve learned that these dry times often come…
[ Read More ]By Vincent B. Davis II @vbdavisii The week following a book launch can be turbulent. That being said, I was relieved to find that my emotions were not as effected by the ups-and-downs of book sales as it was over the first few days. One thing that helped to ease…
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