By Vincent B. Davis II @vbdavisii [tweet_box design="default" float="none" inject="@vbdavisii #writing #BRMCWC"]4 Ways To Keep Your Writing Inspiration[/tweet_box] Writers, by nature, are adrenaline junkies. Artistic rush seekers. We might claim that it’s the coffee that keeps us coming back to the computer screen, but in reality, it’s that indescribable feeling…
[ Read More ]by Edie Melson @EdieMelson I’ve never met anyone who had an easy life. I’ve met a lot of people that looked like they did—from the outside. But once I’ve gotten to know them, I quickly learned that things were never what they seemed. This holds true for writers. Those who…
[ Read More ]By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Today’s writer has many roads to travel in learning the craft, adjusting to changes in the publishing industry, and navigating social media. Every writer craves encouragement and support for the journey ahead. Why travel alone? [tweet_box design="default" float="none" inject="@DiAnnMills #SocialMedia #BRMCWC"]Every Writer Needs A Street Team[/tweet_box]…
[ Read More ]By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills How do you determine the heroine in your novels? Discovering who my female character is and what matters to her takes time and patience. She’s not a victim, although she might have been in the past. Because of that critical experience, she’s changed and grown into…
[ Read More ]By Edie Melson and DiAnn Mills @EdieMelson @DiAnnMills We know embarking on a writing journey is an exciting and slightly terrifying endeavor. The trail ahead offers promise, but it will be filled with unexpected twists and turns. Learning the craft is critical—no shortcuts allowed—especially if writers want to succeed. Along…
[ Read More ]By Vincent Davis @VincentDavis Many of you met our intern Vincent Brent Davis at the 2017 Conference, but now he’s going to tell you more about himself. [tweet_box design="default" float="none"]The Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference #BRMCWC is proud to announce an addition to our staff![/tweet_box] Hi there! Some of…
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