
  • Reasons Why NOT to Become a Novelist

    by Edie Melson @EdieMelson As writers, we tend to have a certain mystique. I wish I had a dime every time someone said, “I’ve always wanted to be a writer!” But the truth is that not everyone has what it takes to write books for a living. So for those…

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  • Organize Your Conference Files; Organize Your Conference Files

    by Bethany Jett, @BetJett As we countdown the weeks until the conference, our preparation posts will be overflowing with helpful information and some PDF downloads (such as a packing list!). Now is the time to create our organizational notebooks and file folders so we’re not feeling overwhelmed when it’s time…

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  • Social Media, Marketing & Blogging

    by Edie Melson @EdieMelson I’ve shared several posts about where to find images for your blog. But one thing I haven’t covered is a list of images you could take with your own camera. I’m always on the lookout for images that I could use to illustrate a post. In…

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  • 10 Things I Wished I’d Known About Writing

    By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills When I started writing, I was so excited about the future. I had dreams, goals, my workday organized, notepads and pencils beside my computer, and a whole lot to learn about writing. But there are 10 surprises that hit me along the way to publication. Sure…

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  • BRMCWC 2017 Agents & Editors

    As you peruse the list of faculty members and their classes for BRMCWC 2017, do you find yourself wondering who the agents & editors are and which publications, houses, or agencies they represent? Are you wondering what types of writing they're looking for? This post is an answer to those…

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  • Being a Submissive Writer

    by Edie Melson @EdieMelson I was talking with a good friend of mine, Torry Martin, at a conference, and we got into an interesting discussion. He mentioned that being submissive was something that writers don’t often consider. The look on my face must have clued him into my confusion because he…

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