
  • Part Three: 11 Ways to Create a Sense of Place

    by Bethany Jett, @BetJett Welcome to the third and final post in our series 11 Ways to Create a Sense of Place. Be sure to catch Part One and Part Two if you’ve missed them. Without further ado, it’s quite fitting at this time of year that we start with……

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  • 10 Ways to Ensure You’re not a Turkey-Writer

    By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills ’Tis the season of the turkey. If you enjoy eating the Thanksgiving bird, then you love the season. If you’re the turkey, well not so much. You’ve probably spent the past year hatching ways to disguise yourself. For the turkey, I commend his ingenuity. For the…

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  • NaNoWriMo Words When You Fall Short on NaNoWriMo

    by Alycia W. Morales     @AlyciaMorales It's halfway through the month of November, and some of us have gone hard at NaNoWriMo while others may feel like a fish out of water. (I just watched Finding Dory with my kids...) Life takes over, other jobs or projects take precedent, and we…

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  • sense of place Part Two: 11 Ways to Create a Sense of Place

    by Bethany Jett, @BetJett Welcome back to Part Two of our series 11 Ways to Create a Sense of Place. If you missed the opener to this series where we mentioned 1. Food, 2. Dialect, and 3. Conducting Research, be sure to check out Part One here. We’ll continue our eleven…

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  • Probiotics for the Professional Writer

    By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Probiotics receive a lot of credit for keeping the human body healthy and in good working order. But what about probiotics for the professional writer, those good-for-you additives that benefit your story? This isn’t a pill, a liquid, or a gel to keep your reader happy.…

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  • 8 Ways to Promote Your Author Friends

    by Alycia W. Morales     @AlyciaMorales As writers, we're always talking about ways we can promote our latest release. We know the pressure of book sales and the stress of having to advertise our own product without sounding like a broken record or like we only want money. We all hate…

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