by Katherine Hutchinson-Hayes, Ed.D. @khutch0767 As writers with a Christian perspective, we frequently find ourselves engaged in creating narratives and messages that can motivate and elevate those around us. Yet, there are periods in our path when our creative inspiration may wane, causing feelings of discouragement and a lack of focus.…
[ Read More ]BRMCWC FOUNDATION AWARDS Rules, Guidelines & Fees: The entrant must be registered for the entire conference to compete. There is a $35 entry fee for each submission. Please make one payment for multiple entries. First entry received is the one that will be judged. Any subsequent submissions/corrections will be deleted. When e-mailing the…
[ Read More ]by Ane Mulligan @AneMulligan When I first tried my hand at writing a novel, I wrote a happy story where everyone was nice. There wasn't any conflict and very little tension. I had a lot to learn. I read articles and blog posts by seasoned authors, who said every story…
[ Read More ]by Lynn Blackburn @LynnHBlackburn While some writers have been writing stories since they could hold a pencil, that wasn’t my experience. I was a reader first. For thirty-five years I fell into books, crawled into stories, and lived there as often as possible. Then one day the stories in my head…
[ Read More ]by A.C. Williams @ACW_Author I love words. And since you’re reading a blog about writing, I’m going to make an assumption that you’re rather fond of them as well. Words are tools, and in the hands of someone who follows Jesus and understands the power of communication, they can be…
[ Read More ]By Alycia Morales @AlyciaMorales We frequently read posts that focus on us as writers and authors. But how often do we pause to consider those who work hard to assist us with our writing endeavors? The mentors, editors, designers, marketing geniuses, branding experts, and so many more? Let’s take a…
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