By Edie Melson @EdieMelson Today’s post has a lot of information that’s been covered in various placed. I thought it would be helpful to put it all in one place. I’ve gone through the questions I’ve seen in email, on Facebook and online and am trying to hit the high points…
[ Read More ]by Blythe Daniel @BlytheDaniel We ask this question a lot. We may not even recognize it anymore. We ask someone who has just lost someone they love, “What do you need?” or we may ask a child who is hurt, “Do you need anything?” We are suggesting there is a…
[ Read More ]by Maggie Wallem Rowe It’s less than two weeks until conference time! Those of you able to attend this year will gain so much from the general sessions, workshops, and faculty appointments. But do you know what attendees mention each year as the most valuable takeaway of all? It’s those…
[ Read More ]By W. Terry Whalin @terrywhalin I’m involved in a couple of online writing groups and no matter how many times you say it, there seems to be a broad misconception about self-published books. These books simply don’t appear in the brick-and-mortar bookstores. Please don’t misunderstand me. These self-published books have their…
[ Read More ]by Katherine Hutchinson-Hayes, Ed.D. @khutch0767 Sitting in my administrative office several years ago, I’d finished a series of articles for an educational publication. Though I was satisfied the pieces were factual, well-researched, and would be published, I was bored. I stared at my extensive bookshelf and longed to share poems, sci-fi,…
[ Read More ]by Alycia W. Morales @AlyciaMorales With BRMCWC 2024 a little more than a week out, all sorts of craziness has likely set in. Nerves. Jitters. Doubts. Worries. Concerns. Excitement. Knotted stomach. Caffeine overdrive. Sleeplessness. Spiritual battles. This. Is. Normal. You. Are. Not. Alone. How do we handle these things so we…
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