
  • Publishing vs. Encouraging

    by Ane Mulligan  @AneMulligan According to a song lyric by Linda Rondeau: Home, home in the industry Where the writers and publishers play Where seldom is heard An encouraging word And the skies are so cloudy all day. Thanks, Linda for letting me borrow the lyric. Yes, I've experienced discouragement…

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  • Our Stories Matter

    by Lynn H Blackburn @LynnHBlackburn There’s a very cool section in the book of Numbers that I think has a unique application to writers. If you haven’t perused this section of the Old Testament recently, you may not know that God gifted certain individuals with creative talents for the building of…

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  • STORYTELLING CAFÉ: A New Monday Evening Event for BRMCWC

    by Edie Melson with Karen Porter We are so excited to introduce a new event this year at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. Our own Karen Porter is going to emcee our first Storytelling Café. We wanted to give you enough time to prepare if you want to…

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  • Writing Conference Self-Care for Introverts and HSPs

    by A.C. Williams @ACW_Author Conference season is upon us! How exciting! How wondrous! How exhausting! Don’t get me wrong; I love writing conferences. I love learning. I love congregating with my people. I love being surrounded by the energy of other creative people who are pursuing the dream of sharing…

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  • The Novelist’s Writing Process in a Nutshell

    By Alycia Morales @AlyciaMorales Begin with a blank page. Write out a few notes on said page. Notice it’s no longer blank. Request a creative download. Write a few more notes on the page. Ask a bunch of questions you have to come up with the answers for. Initiate research…

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  • 4 Tips for Less Stress at Writers Conferences

    by Katy Kauffman @KatyKauffman28 It’s my home away from home. The mountain. The people. The atmosphere at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. I love going when I can, and I always come away feeling refreshed in my writer’s spirit. But the week before the conference, and the months…

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