by Maggie Wallem Rowe How do you know when you’ve arrived as a writer? Is it the first time your byline appears in print or online? Could it be when you sign that initial contract? Or is it when you finally see a book with your name on it on…
[ Read More ]By Bethany Klassen You wrote your outline, you started your rough draft, you paused to go back and read the last two chapters you wrote and… you realize your main character has the SAME PERSONALITY as the one in your last book. Now what? Has this ever happened to you?…
[ Read More ]By Darlene L. Turner @darlenelturner Every writer loves to type “THE END” on their latest work-in-progress, but that dreaded flashing cursor on a blank “Chapter One” page sends tremors down our spines. Can I get an amen? However, starting a new manuscript doesn’t have to be daunting. Authors can make it…
[ Read More ]by Alycia W. Morales @AlyciaMorales Choosing classes can be nerve-racking! If this is your first time attending BRMCWC, you may feel a bit overwhelmed when you look at the class schedule. There's just so much to choose from. How does one decide which classes to take? What are all those…
[ Read More ]by Cindy Sproles @CindyDevoted Every writer makes mistakes. We’re human. There’s not one of us who is perfect. And errors are sorta okay if we learn from them. It’s when we refuse to make the effort to correct our blunders that sucks the life out of our writing. [tweet_box design="default"…
[ Read More ]By Tammy Karasek @tickledpinktam All writers are given the opportunity to share a message for anyone who would come across the words they’ve tapped out on their keys. Whether the piece is a blog post, article or a book, the written words can be read by somebody, somewhere over and…
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