
  • Be Patient with the Writing Process

    by Julie Zine Coleman @JulieZColeman The year my husband spent in the South Pacific, he worked for a while as a teacher in a Bible school in the Fiji Islands. There was a missionary there who was well-revered for his wisdom and excellent teaching. After one particularly inspiring class, the…

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  • The W.R.I.T.E. Prayer

    By Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites What concerns you today? As I type, I want to scream, cry, and get revenge. Yes, I said revenge. However, the Holy Spirit restrains me. Perhaps you’ve felt the same at some point in your life. So what do we do when life overwhelms us? Pray!…

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  • Gearing Up for a Wait

    by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea I read the other day that one of the best anti-theft systems for a car is—(Are you ready for this?)—a manual transmission. So many gears, so few who know how best to grind them. I remember well sitting in the driver’s seat of my brother’s car, looking…

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  • A Writer’s Adventure List

    By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Our writing careers are met with victories, successes, challenges, rejections, and lots of writing time in between. One way to stay encouraged and focused is to create a Writer’s Adventure List, those things that are personal, achievable, and unique to every writer. Writers are motivated to…

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  • BRMCWC Professional Headshot Opportunity

    BRMCWC will once again be offering headshots this year. Mallory Jo Photo will be returning to the conference to take photos. [tweet_box design="default" float="none" inject="#BRMCWC #Writing #Writingconference"]BRMCWC Professional Headshot Opportunity on @BRMCWC[/tweet_box] If you would like to have a headshot take please follow this link for more information and to…

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    By Aaron Gansky @ADGansky The last class I taught at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writer's Conference was how to write explosive short fiction. It’s a topic near and dear to my heart. As an editor of The Citron Review, an online literary journal specializing in flash and micro fiction,…

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