by Lynn Blackburn @LynnHBlackburn A few years ago I had the opportunity attend a retreat and as part of the events we spent an evening with some lovely ladies from Truth Be Told Art . . . painting. Y’all. I’m not a painter. I’m not great with color. I’m not great…
[ Read More ]By W. Terry Whalin @terrywhalin Often writers see writing in black and white terms. You are either a gifted storyteller or not. These people believe writers are born with their gift and not taught the skill of writing. This concept is another myth of publishing. The writing world is a strange…
[ Read More ]by Katherine Hutchinson-Hayes, Ed.D. @khutch0767 Being on a deadline, with only a few hours to turn a project in, can be overwhelming. I can relate to this from my college days. I used to believe that my creativity would flow effortlessly once I entered the publishing industry. However, that wasn't always…
[ Read More ]by DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills A book proposal is an attention-grabbing cover letter, a dynamic marketing plan, a synopsis of a well-crafted book, and the first three chapters presented to an agent or editor who has indicated interest in a writer’s manuscript. [tweet_box design="default" float="none" inject="#pubtip"]Conference Preparation: #Writing the Irresistible Book…
[ Read More ]by Julie Zine Coleman @JulieZColeman Are you writing to change hearts? In any Christian devotional article, story is important. But the Word of God is where the true power lies. We know the Holy Spirit uses His Word to transform (Romans 12:2). So we often do a search for just…
[ Read More ]By Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites As a writer, my companion is guilt. The cares of the world cause angst and keep me away from my desk. This “friend” needs to vacate the premises. I need to refocus on why I write, who called me, and who I belong to. So, I…
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