by Katherine Hutchinson-Hayes, Ed.D. @khutch0767 A few months ago, I was contacted by a local disc jockey. I’d known him as a casual acquaintance through Andrew, my brother, but I was surprised when he invited me to speak at a fund-raising banquet. As we worked through the engagement’s details, I asked…
[ Read More ]By Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites “When you don’t know what to do, do what you know.” I heard the saying from a pastor as I listened to the television, knees to my chest, and tears soaking my shirt. My best friend’s mother tumbled down a flight of stairs and died. I…
[ Read More ]By A.C. Williams by @acw_author I’ve made a habit of hair-on-fire living. I hate to admit it, but there comes a time in all our lives when the truth becomes so obvious that we can’t pretend it’s anything else. If you are a high-capacity performer, you probably understand. I learned,…
[ Read More ]By Sandra Kay Chambers @PrayWaves I’m sure all writers can say “Amen” to that slogan—over and over again! And then when you finally get that contract and shout “Amen, Amen,” you think your work is basically over. Well, think again. The publisher is not done messing with you and God…
[ Read More ]by Maggie Wallem Rowe You know you can write. It’s both a spiritual gift and a skill honed through years of study, practicing your craft, and learning from industry professionals and other writers at conferences, webinars, and workshops. Better yet, you have a great concept: a big idea, compelling hook,…
[ Read More ]by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea I love warm and fuzzy. Give me all the warmest of warms and all the fuzziest of the fuzzies and I’m usually quite happy. Unless. Unless we’re talking about my fridge. It should never be warm—and I’m good with that part. But more than that, who put…
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