By W. Terry Whalin @terrywhalin How can you write and submit exactly what the magazine editor is looking for? You get some insights from reading the submission guidelines but I’m talking about something much more specific and a simple list of topics and ideas for this publication. Seasoned magazine writers know…
[ Read More ]by Katherine Hutchinson-Hayes, Ed.D. @khutch0767 During my career as a school principal, our district upgraded the computer system for all administrators. We went from PC to Mac. This was supposed to make our lives easier and sync our laptops, phones, and desktops seamlessly. Preferring the status quo, I was skeptical and…
[ Read More ]By: DeAnna Lynn Sanders @deannalsanders I haven’t always wanted to be a writer. It was number three on my list: Veterinarian Artist Writer Cross cultural worker It didn’t take me long to jump from #1 to #2. While I loved animals, especially dogs, I learned by the time I was…
[ Read More ]by Lynn Blackburn @LynnHBlackburn Writer, get out of your chair! Wait? What? That’s not right, is it? This is a site for writers. Writers write. BICHOK, right? (That’s Butt in Chair Hands on Keyboard). Let me tell you a little story. We’ll pretend it’s hypothetical but between you and me it…
[ Read More ]By A.C. Williams by @acw_author Writing is a challenging career. I’m not sure there is another industry out there so torn between the artistic and the practical. Because, make no mistake, writing is an art. But if you can’t make your art practical, it won’t support you enough for you…
[ Read More ]By Dr. Chrissy Whiting-Madison @joyfulgurly When I completed and published my first book, Choosing Happiness, being disciplined to sit at my computer and write was easy. I was passionate about what I was writing about. In fact, I wrote the majority of my book over Christmas break, with my laptop…
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