by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea Glass half full. Glass half empty. Doesn’t really matter so much to me. As long as mine is the full half. And also the glass should be a mug. Large. And also it should have coffee in it. And also both halves should be full. And it…
[ Read More ]By Aaron Gansky @ADGansky If you’ve followed my blog much, you’ll know how much importance I put on the first line. Just as important, and just as tricky, is the final line. If I could make one observation from my years as a literary editor, I’d say that the best…
[ Read More ]By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I believe a writer’s number one purpose in creating a story is to entertain the reader. Following that task is to inspire a reader to attempt what they may believe is impossible. The reader follows how the protagonist overcame obstacles to reach a goal or solve…
[ Read More ]By James Hannibal @jamesrhannibal “What you’re doing is not good,” Moses’s father-in-law said to him. “You will certainly wear out both yourself and these people who are with you, because the task is too heavy for you. You can’t do it alone.” Exodus 18:17-18 You can’t do it alone. As…
[ Read More ]by Tama Fortner @TamaFortner I’m not a Doctor of Theology. I don’t even play one on TV. But I do spend my days writing about God and His Word. It’s a blessing and a privilege…and a huge responsibility. Which is why I want whatever I write about God to be…
[ Read More ]by: Shannon Redmon @shannon_redmon I’ve always loved steel roller coasters. The taller the hill, the larger the loop and I hopped on the ride. Smooth turns and forceful speed bring excitement and joy into the experience. But there is one type of ride I always avoid…the dreaded wooden coaster. Most…
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