by Heather Kreke @HKreke A writer’s work can’t be quantified, diagnosed, or measured. Most of it takes place in the mind as we are constantly brainstorming, researching, thinking about tone or voice, and for us fiction writers, talking to our characters. When we finally put something on the screen, we…
[ Read More ]By Vincent B. Davis II @VBDavis11 Life as a writer is extremely rewarding, but it can also be taxing. Most of us aren’t fortunate enough to write full time, so we attempt to balance work, family, education, and social obligations all while trying to write our books. Even for those…
[ Read More ]by Cindy Sproles @CindyDevoted I've been doing mentoring work, and one thing I see, even with some more seasoned writers, is the stiltedness in their work. There was a time when the more proper, stiff type of writing was acceptable. It's still not a no-no, but as readers evolve, so…
[ Read More ]by Lynn H. Blackburn @LynnHBlackburn Book deadlines are a painful reality for published authors. If you do an internet search for how to handle a writing deadline, you’ll find lots of fabulous advice. While the suggestions vary, they will inevitably include some version of the following: Don’t panic. Stay positive. Stay…
[ Read More ]By W. Terry Whalin @terrywhalin What if you could write a magazine article which could be published year after year in different publications? In the magazine community, these articles are called evergreen because they can be used over and over. To write this type of article takes a bit of planning…
[ Read More ]by Katherine Hutchinson-Hayes, Ed.D. @khutch0767 During this season of uncertainty where AI seems to be taking over, have you ever considered the significance of writing? This guide will elucidate how being an author can enhance our mental well-being, career opportunities, relationship with God, and ability to share the Gospel. For those…
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