
  • Message-Tagged

    by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea Have you ever been tagged—maybe trapped—in a group text? You’re begging your phone. Please, not one more notification. And your phone answers with: zzzzzt. Even worse, you go to bed early while the other 30 in your group have a night owl session. Get up the next…

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  • 21 Ways for Writers to Reduce Stress

    By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Writers are often stalked by a predator called stress. It’s a nasty physical, mental, and spiritual disorder that can cause headaches, back and body pain, nausea, depression, problems in relationships, doubt in God’s calling, and a host of other ailments. Not a pleasant malady. The causes…

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  • Risks Worth Taking: My Writing Story

    by Mary Holloman @mtholloman I got a 3 on my elementary school writing test. Do you remember those? It was in fourth grade. Each student was given a prompt, and you had a set amount of time to write a story using the prompt. The highest score you could receive…

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  • A Last-minute Change in the Conference Photographer at BRMCWC 2023

    We have a new headshot photographer coming to the conference this year. In truth, she's not really new. She was here 2 years in a row and then took time off to have the sweetest baby! We are re-introducing Mallory Zynda! [tweet_box design="default" float="none" inject="on @BRMCWC #writing #writingconference #publishing"]A Last-minute…

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  • Writer, There’s a Place for You at the Table

    by Sally Cressman @scressman The first session of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference would begin that evening. With sweaty palms, I sat at our kitchen table while my husband prayed. An inner voice taunted me. What’s the point? This was my fourth or fifth time going to the…

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  • How Writers Can Win When They Lose

    By Debb Hackett @debb_hackett We’re in contest season and it’s always proposal and submission season. But not everyone wins or gets offered a contract. Disappointment is as much a part of writing, as breathing. Therefore, managing your actions and feelings when you’re not successful is crucial. Over the years I’ve…

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