By Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites Grief greets me these mornings. Angst for my friends who’ve endured tremendous loss. Our community has encountered much heartache, so, I storm the gates of heaven and bow before the throne of grace for healing words—there are none. As a writer and chaplain, shouldn’t I have…
[ Read More ]by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea Hear me out. A blanket fort. Only instead of blankets, puff pastry. Slumber party—and in the morning? Turnovers! I’d work on that fort. I came up with this idea while pondering whether there is anything in the world that would not be better with puff pastry on…
[ Read More ]by DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Writers strive to meet their readers’ needs, concerns, and questions. To accomplish this, the writer explores what matters before addressing those challenges. One way to focus on a specific audience is to explore the generational sweet spot for their age group. Discover the cultural differences, victories,…
[ Read More ]by Blythe Daniel @BlytheDaniel There’s the old familiar saying, “Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?” In a similar fashion, many people wonder, “Which comes first, the proposal or the writing?” I’d like to be able to tell you a consistent answer, but the truth is that for some…
[ Read More ]By Penny Reeve I’m a children’s writer. Always have been, always plan to be, because I believe writing for children is some of the most important writing an author can do. BUT… Not all writers’ conferences cater specifically to children’s writers. And if they do, they are often few and…
[ Read More ]Edwina and I are so excited to announce the FINALISTS for the Directors’ Choice 2023 Awards! Every year we do our best to organize the entries into categories that give equal opportunity to every book. Because we never know how many entries will be sent in a specific category, the…
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