By Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites Happy New Year! Did you set goals and resolutions? I want to finish three books, obtain five speaking engagements, and attend three conferences. My stomach flips when I ponder the possibilities. I’ve prayed about my plans. I desire to accomplish all God has for me. I…
[ Read More ]by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea “You must be at least this tall to ride this rollercoaster.” When I was a kid, I simply could…not…wait until I was finally, finally, tall enough to ride a rollercoaster. I’m a short chick, so by the time I reached that minimum height requirement, I was a…
[ Read More ]By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Do you ever doubt that God uses your writing skills? Do you ever wonder if the hours of learning the craft, writing, rewriting, and then repeating the process are worth the struggle? An unexpected blessing confirmed my belief that God uses the obedient writer. We do…
[ Read More ]Every year we are excited to be able to award writers scholarships. The money comes through our contest fees and donations. Scholarships are awarded on need and/or merit. Selections are made by a group of publishing professionals. Since we are dependent on the generosity of others, we are unable to…
[ Read More ]by Blythe Daniel @BlytheDaniel I remember when I felt a part of an important tribe. I was 6 weeks pregnant with twins and my mom and I set foot in the Moms of Multiples kids sale in an enormous building with every piece of clothing, gadget, and gear you’d ever…
[ Read More ]By Holland Webb @WebbHollandLyle At the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference 2022, Karen Porter told us to keep our writing reader-focused. The audience of Christian writers shouted back "Amen." If we'd only had funeral fans and a sawdust floor, you'd have thought we having a revival. (We kinda were.)…
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