By Cindy Sproles @CindyDevoted “I’m tired.” These words eased from the lips of an author who sometimes publishes five books yearly. She was tired. It wasn’t like she should be. She’s successfully published – for over eighteen years. Multiply that by four or five books a year, and suddenly you…
[ Read More ]by: Shannon Redmon @shannon_redmon As a former healthcare professional for over twenty years, I often focus on the medical scenes in many books, television shows and movies. When hospital visits or emergency room drama is included in manuscripts, authors sometimes write these scenes incorrectly. I’ve rolled my eyes on more…
[ Read More ]By W. Terry Whalin @terrywhalin Sometimes during my day, I will take a few minutes and watch some YouTube or Tik Tok videos. Whenever I watch, I make sure to limit it so I don’t fall down a rabbit hole and lose a lot of time. One day I stumbled on…
[ Read More ]by Ane Mulligan @AneMulligan Experiencing Fiction We’ve all read novels that held us tightly engaged from page one to “The End.” Then we’ve read others that while good, we could read a chapter and put it down. There can be various reasons, but I believe when we can experience the…
[ Read More ]By A.C. Williams by @acw_author I’ve read a lot of manuscripts in the last few years, ones that have been submitted to me as a publisher and ones that I’ve been hired to edit. While there are a lot of common themes that I’m seeing over and over again, one…
[ Read More ]@AlyciaMorales Coming up with blogging topics on a regular basis can be difficult, even for those of us who are passionate about our chosen blog theme, whether it be writing, DIY, cooking, etc. Some days we just sit and stare at the screen, wondering what to post about. [tweet_box design="default"…
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