By Gordon Palmer When God commanded Moses to build the tabernacle in the desert during the Exodus, he gifted people with the skills necessary to complete the task – designing precious metals, stone cutting, woodworking, embroidery, and other crafts. Moses then summoned “every skilled person to whom the Lord had…
[ Read More ]by Katy Kauffman @KatyKauffman28 Our writing emits a “song” of its own. If a great composer took your writing and set it to music, what would its melody be? It could be the thunderous, foreboding tones of a warning; the quick tempo of a call to action; or the soothing…
[ Read More ]By Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites I couldn’t concentrate. After years of research and my son’s diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD), I finally had the answer to my fidgeting, unfinished projects, and my urge to blurt things out during a conversation for fear the words would escape me. I too have…
[ Read More ]by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea It looked like the sideview outline of a little robot ducky head. Sort of cute, really. I was shocked when somebody told me it’s the check engine light. That light doesn’t literally mean to check the engine, though, right? Because I feel like my engine is still…
[ Read More ]By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Some novelists ensure their books have reader questions, and others skip over that section. Maybe you’re asking yourself if the questions are needed. I mean, you’ve spent weeks or months on the book, and you’ve worked hard to create incredible characters, an intricate plot, dynamic dialogue,…
[ Read More ]By Sara Beth Williams @WilliamsSaraB What makes a great story? A well-developed plot. What helps drive the plot forward, besides a character’s strong, identifiable goal? Character conflict. [tweet_box design="default" float="none" inject="#Writingtips #Writing #BRMCWC"]What Makes a Great Story? - Character Conflict by @WilliamsSaraB on @BRMCWC[/tweet_box] Character conflict can vary widely. Characters…
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