BY Eva Marie Everson, Contest Director @EvaMarieEverson
The Directors’ Choice Awards are given to published writers who are a past or current conferee (past faculty members who are not also past conferees are not eligible).
Rules, Guidelines & Fees:
- Any past or current conferee published within 2020, whether via traditional publishing or by independent publishing, is eligible.
- Eligibility is not limited to attendance from the previous year. Any past conferee may enter. (If a faculty member has also been a conferee, that person is eligible to enter. Those who have ONLY been faculty are NOT eligible to enter the Directors’ Choice Awards.) We will no longer accept re-released books for entry.
- Books entered must have been published between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020.
- Books may be either fiction or nonfiction.
- Each entry must include an entry fee of $35 via money order or check (no cash) made payable to Writing Conferences. Write: DC Award in the FOR line on the check, along with the title of the work and the genre entered. Example: DC Award, Great American Novel, Fiction.
Mail a copy of the book along with the check to:
Edie Melson
604 South* Almond Drive
Simpsonville, SC 29681
*Note: all correspondence must have “South” in the address.
Contest is now open.
Deadline for entries is March 1, 2021
No works received after that date will be considered.
Eva Marie Everson is a multiple award-winning author of both fiction and nonfiction. An award-winning speaker, Eva Marie is a frequent member of faculty at writers conferences and serves as both keynote and retreat speaker at women’s events. She is the president of Word Weavers International and the director of the Florida Christian Writers Conference. To learn more about Eva Marie and her work, visit her website: www. http://EvaMarieEversonAUTHOR.com
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