Be Strong and Courageous
by Bethany Jett, @BetJett The conference starts in five days, which in the Jett household, we call "four sleeps and a wake-up." My desk is overflowing with papers and my office carpet looks like Office Depot threw up on it. The laundry is in piles as I decide what needs…
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Recap of Conference Information & Etiquette You Need
by Edie Melson @EdieMelson Today’s post has a lot of information that’s been covered in various placed. I thought it would be helpful to put it all in one place. I’ve gone through the questions I’ve seen in email, on Facebook and online and am trying to hit the high…
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When Thank You Isn’t Enough
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills At the Blue Ridge Conference, our faculty has a heart for helping writers. These instructors sacrifice time and energy to provide the tools we need to advance in the publishing world. They schedule a time to talk to us one-on-one. They listen to our tripping over…
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Friday Faculty Five
Welcome to Friday Faculty Five! This week, we hear from nonfiction author Linda Gilden, author and freelance editor Andrea Merrell, and Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference founder Yvonne Lehman. [tweet_box design="default" float="none"]We're 1 week from conference! This week we'll hear from BRMCWC founder, a nonfiction author, & a freelance…
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Healthy Expectations for a Successful Writing Conference
by Edie Melson @EdieMelson Attending a writing conference is a big deal. Writers often budget all year to be able to go, especially if it’s a larger (more expensive) event. But along with the financial planning, [tweet_box design="default" float="none" inject=" @EdieMelson on @BRMCWC "]we also need to calibrate our #writing…
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Bringing Security Blankets to the Conference
by Sally Matheny, @Sally_Matheny Do you resist going to writing conferences without a Linus-Blanket? I am not referring to your fuzzy, bed-raggled quilt from home. I’m talking about bringing a friend along for moral support. It’s great when writer buddies travel together, but there comes a time at every conference,…
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