Category: Writers Conferences

  • How Writing Conferences Compare to Carrots

    By Tammy Karasek @tickledpinktam The title of this post may have you convinced this writer has lost her mind. While there may be some truth to that – hear her out. And by her, I mean me. On the two-hour drive home from a recent large conference, I had plenty…

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  • Writing Conference Self-Care for Introverts and HSPs

    by A.C. Williams @ACW_Author Conference season is upon us! How exciting! How wondrous! How exhausting! Don’t get me wrong; I love writing conferences. I love learning. I love congregating with my people. I love being surrounded by the energy of other creative people who are pursuing the dream of sharing…

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  • Networking Tips For Conferences

    By Debb Hackett @debb_hackett Yesterday DiAnn Mills told us about different ways to network. Today Debb Hackett tells us how to do it professionally. I’ve been told I’m a natural networker, because I know a lot of people. I’ve been accused of being a name dropper for the same reason.…

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  • Making Writing Conference Connections That Last

    by Lindsey Brackett @LindsBrac In 2014, I attended my first BRMCWC—my first ever writer's conference. Before I got up the courage to tell other people I wanted to write, I never knew conferences existed. A local friend encouraged me to attend BRMCWC with her, and the unexpected connections I made…

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  • Plan to Attend a Writers Conference PLAN Now to Attend a Writers Conference in 2019

    “I can’t go to a conference. It’s expensive, and I can’t get the time off,” my friend said. She was right. A conference costs time and money. If you ask anyone who has attended one, however, they will say it was worth every penny - and second - they spent.…

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  • How to Do It All at a Writers Conference

    by Alycia W. Morales @AlyciaMorales We recently posted a sneak peek at the 2019 Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference faculty list. It's a great one, so make sure you check it out by clicking on this sentence to follow the link. There is so much to do at a…

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