Our Stories Matter
by Lynn H Blackburn @LynnHBlackburn There’s a very cool section in the book of Numbers that I think has a unique application to writers. If you haven’t perused this section of the Old Testament recently, you may not know that God gifted certain individuals with creative talents for the building of…
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Writing Conference Self-Care for Introverts and HSPs
by A.C. Williams @ACW_Author Conference season is upon us! How exciting! How wondrous! How exhausting! Don’t get me wrong; I love writing conferences. I love learning. I love congregating with my people. I love being surrounded by the energy of other creative people who are pursuing the dream of sharing…
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The Novelist’s Writing Process in a Nutshell
By Alycia Morales @AlyciaMorales Begin with a blank page. Write out a few notes on said page. Notice it’s no longer blank. Request a creative download. Write a few more notes on the page. Ask a bunch of questions you have to come up with the answers for. Initiate research…
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Be Patient with the Writing Process
by Julie Zine Coleman @JulieZColeman The year my husband spent in the South Pacific, he worked for a while as a teacher in a Bible school in the Fiji Islands. There was a missionary there who was well-revered for his wisdom and excellent teaching. After one particularly inspiring class, the…
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The W.R.I.T.E. Prayer
By Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites What concerns you today? As I type, I want to scream, cry, and get revenge. Yes, I said revenge. However, the Holy Spirit restrains me. Perhaps you’ve felt the same at some point in your life. So what do we do when life overwhelms us? Pray!…
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Gearing Up for a Wait
by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea I read the other day that one of the best anti-theft systems for a car is—(Are you ready for this?)—a manual transmission. So many gears, so few who know how best to grind them. I remember well sitting in the driver’s seat of my brother’s car, looking…
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