When You’re Stuck for Blogging Topics, Think Outside the Box
@AlyciaMorales Coming up with blogging topics on a regular basis can be difficult, even for those of us who are passionate about our chosen blog theme, whether it be writing, DIY, cooking, etc. Some days we just sit and stare at the screen, wondering what to post about. [tweet_box design="default"…
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Willing to Do the Work
By Gordon Palmer When God commanded Moses to build the tabernacle in the desert during the Exodus, he gifted people with the skills necessary to complete the task – designing precious metals, stone cutting, woodworking, embroidery, and other crafts. Moses then summoned “every skilled person to whom the Lord had…
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Different Ability Vs. Disability And How They Relate To Our Writing
By Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites I couldn’t concentrate. After years of research and my son’s diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD), I finally had the answer to my fidgeting, unfinished projects, and my urge to blurt things out during a conversation for fear the words would escape me. I too have…
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Driven to Gladness
by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea It looked like the sideview outline of a little robot ducky head. Sort of cute, really. I was shocked when somebody told me it’s the check engine light. That light doesn’t literally mean to check the engine, though, right? Because I feel like my engine is still…
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Is Writing a Grand Enough Job for You?
By Holland Webb @WebbHollandLyle Flannery O'Connor, one of the 20th century's great fiction writers, said she wasn't afraid her books would generate controversy. On the contrary, she was afraid they wouldn't be controversial enough. In that regard, O'Connor had nothing to worry about. Her works embarrassed her mother, shocked her…
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It is Possible to Write Through Difficult Times with These Tips
by Edie Melson @EdieMelson Life happens to all of us, and with it comes times of chaos and catastrophe. It’s easy to get derailed and let our writing life come to a screeching halt. That’s never a good thing, no matter what crisis we’re dealing with—from the death of a…
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